Title: Four brides Three brides and a groom for four brothers (2/?)
Pairing: Ohmiya. Sho, Aiba and Jun will be paired with OC due to plot needs.
Summary: Based on the classic movie 'Seven brides for seven brothers' ... only a bit different ^______~
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Revised and completed by
zazasukie Genre: AU
Words count: 918
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This new story looks really promising. Looking forward to see how it'll play out. <3
There are a few mistakes here and there though.
Thank you for sharing!
I'm glad you find the plot promising (though it's not as surprising as others because it's based in a well-known movie -__-U)
Could you please point me those mistakes out? I don't have a beta-reader, so any help is welcome! ^____^
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Ahahaha, if it's any consolation, I've never heard of the movie. >.<
Yepp, I'll be glad to help. Stuff like "her" when it's supposed to be "his". & grammatical errors, e.g "pretty in it" instead of "pretty with it". & it's "triumphant" not "triumphal". And so on.
LOL! You make me feel soooo old... T_T (just joking! but I think you will be surprised if you knew my age! XD)
I've corrected the mistakes you pointed out. Thank you very much for your help. ^___^
I didn't really do much, but you're welcome. :)
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