Title: Black Wolf's legend (9/?)
Pairing: Ohmiya
Summary: Nino embarks on a journey to Port Royal, the jewel of the English crown in the Caribbean Sea, to begin a new life with his uncle. But his merchant vessel is attacked by a crew of ferocious pirates. What fate awaits him?
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Genre: romance, adventure
Words count: 1100
AN: Unbetaed. Here it's Nino's POV, as I promised. \^o^/
I think I've been a bit mean to him in this chapter... but rest assured, his moment will come!
Previous ++++
Nino awoke from his slumber feeling more refreshed than he had felt in weeks. He had a vague impression that he had had a wonderful dream that night… if only he could remember what it was about.
He stretched like a cat in a sunny window, enjoying the cool, silky feeling of the sheets on his skin. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so warm, so comfortable.
And so confused.
Where the hell was he?
He sat up in the bed, eyes open wide in surprise. He was still on a ship; the soft rocking movement of the room and the smell of sea water that filled his nostrils were proof enough of that. But this cabin wasn’t his, that was for sure. This cabin was larger and brighter than his small prison and it was nicely furnished with strong, durable furniture. Obviously, it had to be the room of someone of great importance in the ship. Maybe even the pirate captain’s cabin!
An image of the aforementioned pirate suddenly appeared in Nino’s mind, making the young man’s heart flutter treacherously. He growled, annoyed. Why the hell was so difficult to get that infuriating man out of his head?
He scanned the walls, searching for a portrait or something similar that could give him a clue about the identity of the cabin’s owner. He couldn’t find anything, though. Only some watercolours of the sea and a few tropical beaches and… wait a moment, were those fishing poles he saw hanging on one of the walls?
Fishing poles in a pirate vessel… Wasn’t it strange?
Curious about his new finding, Nino made an attempt to leave the bed to look at them more closely, but something stopped him dead in his tracks. He broke out a cold sweat. With a trembling hand, he slowly raised the sheet and took a quick peek under it. He blanched.
Forget the damned fishing poles… Why was he naked?!
He gulped with effort, heart hammering in his chest. What had happened last night exactly? He remembered getting horribly seasick in his small prison due to the most monstrous storm he had ever seen. But what had happened after that? How had he ended in that cabin? Who had undressed him? What…?
A sudden creaking, signalling the opening of the cabin’s door, interrupted his panicked train of thought. Clutching the sheets to his chest, the boy turned towards the door, throat suddenly dry. Could it be…?
“You’re finally awake!” Aiba exclaimed from the door, delighted. “You’ve been sleeping for ages, you know?” he reprimanded Nino as he entered the room. “I would have woken you sooner but Sho-chan said you needed to rest and forbid me to do it,” the lanky pirate complained, pouting like a child that had been deprived of his favourite toy.
With an explosive sigh, Nino released the breath he hadn’t noticed he had been holding. “It’s just you, Aiba,” he exclaimed, feeling a bit disappointed. “I was hoping it was the capta-” realizing what he was about to say, he hastily clamped his mouth shut. God, had he almost admitted aloud that he would have preferred if his visitor wasn’t the friendly pirate but… someone else? His recent illness must have done something funny with his brain. He hoped it was only temporary.
Fortunately for Nino, Aiba seemed to be too focused on not dropping the things he was carrying to pay full attention to his words.
“I’ve brought you a change of clothes and something to eat,” the lanky pirate said, putting a tray with a steaming plate and a mug of water on the nearby table. “I bet you’re starving,” he added, beckoning Nino towards one of the chairs with a smile.
Nino looked at the other man, startled.
“What! Leaving the bed with only my birthday suit on? No way!”
“Thank you but I’m not hungr-” Nino began to reply when a sudden loud growl, coming from his stomach, interrupted his words.
“Well, I suppose your stomach thinks different,” Aiba giggled, winking an eye to the embarrassed young man.
Nino cleared his throat and glared at young pirate, hopping that Aiba would get the clue and turn around or leave the room. The lanky pirate looked back at Nino, tilting his head to the side interrogatively.
The young man cleared his throat once again, more obviously this time, and gestured slightly towards the clean clothes with his head.
“Do you have something in your throat?” an apparently oblivious Aiba inquired innocently, but Nino could see a naughty glint in his eyes - well, at least in the eye which wasn’t concealed behind the stupid fake eye patch, of course.
“You‘re enjoying this, aren‘t you?” sighed Nino. Giving up on his futile attempts to keep the little that was left of his poor pride intact, he left the bed and calmly walked towards the clothes - it was more like a mad rush, but who cares about small details. He put on the trousers with all the dignity he could gather - that wasn’t too much considering that he was jumping on one foot, trying to keep his balance with his… well, “delicate” parts dangling with each jump, - and took the place in front of Aiba in the table.
“So, what is this place…” he commented conversationally, “AND WHY THE HELL WAS I NAKED?!” he roared, leaping over the table and almost strangling the giggling man in front of him.
“Calm down, Nino, please. Let me explain,” Aiba begged, trying to breathe between coughs and giggles.
Grudgingly, Nino withdrew to his seat and waited for the lanky pirate’s words.
“I hope you have a good explanation for this… for your own sake, Aiba,” the boy threatened the bubbly pirate with a dark, low voice - a rather stupid action considering his disadvantageous status as a prisoner in that ship, but the unfairly huge amount of shame inflicted to his poor persona that morning had obviously clouded Nino’s better judgment.
“Oh! I have it, I have it!” clucked the other man, clearly unimpressed by Nino’s void threat. “And you know what?” he added, a twinkle of mischief lighting his hazelnut brow eyes, “You’re just going to love it!”
Nino frowned, alarmed. Why did the other man seem so elated with the prospect of telling him what had happened last night? What did he know that Nino didn’t? He had a hunch that he wasn’t going to like Aiba‘s words. Not a bit.
Would it be too late to decline his rights to receive an explanation?
AN2: For this series I've decided to write shorter chapters (around 1000 words) but try to update sooner (writing such long chapters was a real pain). Hope you like this way better! ^^