Title: Four brides Three brides and a groom for four brothers (4/?)
Pairing: Ohmiya. Sho, Aiba and Jun will be paired with OC due to plot needs.
Summary: Based on the classic movie 'Seven brides for seven brothers' ... only a bit different ^______~
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Revised and completed by
zazasukie Genre: AU
Words count: 714
AN: betaed by
fangirl_2 . Thanks!!
AN2: Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with work.
Previous “The priest!” exclaimed the tall, black-haired brother, smacking his forehead in dismay. “We forgot him!”
If things weren’t so serious, Nino would have laughed at the young brother’s comic expression but, looking at the furious man’s strained face, it was obvious that he failed to see the humor in the whole situation.
“So, who is the fourth person you’ve kidnapped?” the eldest brother asked a few seconds later, making a visible effort to control himself. A sudden idea occurred to him. His eyes widened with incredulity. “Don’t tell me...”
“Yes, we brought you a bride too!” the lanky brother chirped happily.
The two remaining brothers tried to shut him up, but it was too late already. There was a tense silence after those words.
“Enough!” The short man finally exploded. “I don’t want to hear another word from any of you!” he breathed shakily. “Later, I will think about what we are going to do but, for now, these women need a place to stay until the snow in the pass melts.” He sighed heavily, rubbing his temples to relieve the stress.
“The girls will have our house,” he finally decided, “and we’ll stay in the barn. If any of you try to sneak into the house…” he warned the ashamed men, approaching again the cart to help the weeping women to get down, “I swear you’ll wish you’d never been born.”
“Um… There is just a little problem with that,” Nino commented in a low voice, drawing everybody’s attention to himself. “I’m not one of the girls.” He took his bonnet off and raised his face, letting everybody realize that he was a male.
Everybody looked at him with shocked expressions and Nino blushed deeply under the intense scrutiny of the astonished eldest brother. With that last surprise, the poor man seemed to have reached his limit for that night. He simply stood there, looking aghast at Nino.
However, his younger brother seemed not to have the same problem. “Why are you in a pink nightdress?” he heard the bubbliest of the kidnappers ask, unable to contain his curiosity.
“Well, to make a long story short, I need to buy more pajamas and my sister thinks she’s really funny.”
“I knew she was far too strong to be a normal girl!” someone else murmured behind him and Nino grimaced, his eyes still fixed on the short man’s round face.
The words seemed to snap the man out of his stupor and he blinked repeatedly, trying to think of another plan. “O.k.,” he finally said, “the girls will sleep in our bedroom because it’s the biggest room of the house. “You,” he added, pointing at his brothers, “you’ll sleep in the barn. Don’t think, even for a moment, that I’m going to let you off the hook so easily. You are not going to evade your responsibility for this.”
His brothers visibly flinched under his piercing glare.
“The boy will sleep in the small bedroom. After all, he’s just an innocent victim of your crazy plan and doesn’t need to suffer the harsh weather conditions in the barn.”
Nino felt relieved after hearing that. The barn seemed old and full of holes. Spending winter in it would be worse than staying in hell.
“And I will sleep in the house too, sharing the bedroom with him. Just to make sure that nothing else happens.”
Nino let out an outraged hiss, offended by what he was implying. But the short man shot him a warning glare and he decided to let it pass this time - but only because he was freezing in the middle of nowhere with that stupid, pink nightgown, really.
An hour later, after he helped the short man to accommodate the girls in a big bedroom with four beds, Nino, now dressed in an old pair of blue pajamas that the round-faced man had lent him, was contentedly tucked in the remaining bedroom’s bed. In the shadows, he could glimpse the sleeping form of the short man resting on the bed he had prepared himself with a bunch of blankets and some cushions.
“He’s much nicer than he initially looked,” Nino thought, yawning widely.
A few seconds later, the young man, exhausted by the events of that night, finally fell asleep.