Jan 31, 2007 08:53
Socialism, dark times coming friends
The dark tide of socialism is slowly creeping forward, as the salaries of the wealthy increase so dramatically, leaving the working population in the dust, resentment will slowly take hold. As more jobs are shipped overseas to increase profit margins, it and the flood of un-documented and illegal workers taking jobs of those in the lower tier, many displaced workers will turn to the political systems that only flourish when they re-distribute the wealth of others. Corporations have brought this pox into their own houses. The middle class isn't shrinking or going away, its just eroding under the tidal wave of debt, and consumerism.
This policy of government is otherwise known as socialism. It will sadly win in the end, as predicted so long ago by its authors, as the greed on the top and the bottoms both seek entitlements. We see in our world today that the corporate golden parachutes for the rich, and welfare checks for the poor, are both handed out in mass. The keystones and basic bricks for modern socialism are steadily being laid, incrementally, methodically.
The incentives for excellence will erode in time, and is eroding now, and selfish attitudes marinated with a liberal dose of mass covetous materialism, and topped off with rampant avarice only continue to fuel the flames of the coming political change. In addition the guilt card will be out in full force, for the new witch hunts are taking place right now on "xenophobes, homophobes, and "racists".
The mantra of today is the hell with free thought; just look at the recent Duke Lacrosse team, their legal trial was only a sliver more fairl than what witches received during the dark ages. Hate crimes now infringe on thought, not just on speech. The Liberals in society want nothing more than control, utter complete control. For example in Chicago, handguns are illegal, but if you are an Alderman or woman, you can have a concealed carry permit. The 2nd amendment is as valuable as the 1st, and if one of them goes, it will only be a matter of time before both are gone.
The baby boomers will be retiring from the workforce in mass soon, all of them have had the luxury of good careers, stable incomes and so forth, when these people retire, many will find themselves short on funds, who will they turn too? You guessed it, politicians that will promise to give them more. What political system thrives on handing out other people's money, oh, that would be Democrats, really socialists under the guise of Democrats. There is an old adage, old people vote,
Why do the Democrats hate the war in Iraq so much? Their short-sightedness can't see that the war will be on our shores again if we pull out, they are looking for the quickest way to power, and that is point out the flaws of the Republicans, but if you look closely, the Democrats offer nothing as far as solutions, many of them voted for the war, and now recant on it. Barak Osama wants to pull out in spring of 08, but won't vote against the budget for military operations because he knows it will bite him, so he makes these "deep statements" about withdrawl. These elected people are going to get lots of people killed, not only in Iraq, but when we retreat like cowards, and the IED's will start going off in our malls, schools and amusement parks.
Socialism isn't all bad is it? Well, many of you have no experience in this, so I will ask all of you, what do you think of the place where you get you're drivers license from? The long lines, jerks behind the counter, crowded, always busy, no customer service, Think of that place, all over the place, think of those losers behind the counter telling you what medical care you can be given, how and when you will treated, that is you're first journey into universal healthcare, the waits for doctors will be staggering, however the rich will still be around, and they will have instant medical access, just like you have now.
People in nations that have "universal healthcare" have died waiting for treatments. Think of you're loved ones, sitting in the drivers license office, dying, while some rich person gets premium access to medical care, the same care you get right now, without universal healthcare, that doesn't sound so fair does it? That's the thing, there is nothing fair about Socialism, it's sold as a fair system, but never ends up that way.
So now the government is in control of how you are treated medically, what else can they control, how about every other facet of you're life, what you pay for insurance, are you a smoker? Do you drink? Every private detail will be shared in databases, oh, and liberals hate smokers, and drinkers, futhermore trained actuaries will assign you ratings, with newer RFID technologies, and credit number database assements it could be as bad as if you want to order a pizza, you could be declined because of the healthcare risks you have, for example, high blood pressure, obese, bad medical history, family medical history, how can this be you ask? Well when you call to order the food, you're credit card number will also store personal information, and if you come up flagged the pizza place won't want the fines if they deliver a pizza to an unhealthy person.
You think I am joking, look at the anti-smoking zealots, in some places in the near future; people won't be able to smoke in their own homes. This is happening now in some places in the world. Every choice you make will not be of your own.
Global warming is also a boogyman, in the new socialist state, cars will be for the very wealthy, since they will be fined heavily for their emissions usage, however the rich including the politicians you voted for will have two Hummers, trust me on this. They want to sell you on the fear, because fearful people give up freedoms for security, always have, and always will.
Vote for a Democrat, for a better tomorrow!