Dec 05, 2005 16:27
(I sent this to the religious studies chair at Kansas Univerity)
For atheists let them be hopeful that there is no God, and that all that awaits us is the final dirt nap. There are two facts that remain;
1: We will all die, and be forgotten as our corpses rot,
2: Nobody has come back from the dead and said what death is like. Whether a place called heaven exists, or hell, or limbo, or some other cosmological plane, it all comes down to faith of the individual.
The theory of Black Holes was once mythos of astronomy, pure space mythology, many of the so called professors and educated in astronomy doubted the existence of black holes, but these phenomena have recently been proven fact. Do you think the average person will wager an entire eternity of possible after-life in some burning hell fire by throwing away any tenets of religious faith? Just about everyone believes in God, and calls on God in their moments of need. Religions form the moral backbone of civilizations along with the rewards and punishments in the after-life. If you can sell some other salvation for the soul for eternity I am sure you would have a massive following.
Maybe some professor with tenure can come up with why the Universe exists? Sadly, professors don’t have these answers so the flocks go elsewhere. Today we have institutions of higher learning teaching about the infallibility of Darwin. In (1879). Darwin said that "the impossibility of conceiving that this grand and wondrous universe, with our conscious selves, arose through chance, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of God"
You people are “supposedly” educated, you can do the math.
Merry Christmas