Avenue Q

Feb 10, 2008 17:10

No doubt most of you all familiar with the song, "The Internet is for Porn".  It's a neat little diddy that's sorta become the unofficial anthem for the Net, and while I disagree with its message, I really like the song.  I first learned about it through a link in an email I got some time back that took me to a YouTube vid where someone created a "movie" using World of Warcraft (WoW) set to this song.  It's the first time I'd seen WoW used that way and thought it was pretty cool.  What I didn't know was where the song itself came from...until yesterday.

After hearing it on Dementia Radio yesterday, I decided to track down its origin.  Not hard to do.  You all probably already know this, but being the last to find out things, I was surprised to learn it came from the Broadway play, Avenue Q, a Tony recipient that's been performing since 2003.  What's cool is this play is done with Muppet-like puppets as well as live actors.  It's like Sesame St. for adults.  Also, you always see the people controlling the puppets, which I found a bit distracting at first, but you get used to it.  Now, this sounds like I've seen the play.  I wish!  No, everything I've seen came from YouTube.  If you'd like to see "The Internet is for Porn" performed by the actual characters, just go to YouTube.  You can also see other songs performed as well.  One of the more popular tunes is, "It Sucks to be Me".

I've never been one for plays.  They just all look so phony somehow, but Avenue Q is one I'd love to see.  They're doing a cross-country tour right now, but unfortunately, the closest they'll get to Detroit is E. Lansing.  And to make it a double-whammy, they're performing the same weekend as Penguicon, so even if I could somehow get to EL, I'd miss the con, and I'm not about to do that.  Man it sucks to be me.  At least I can get the original 2003 cast recording from Amazon.  There's also an Avenue Q book, which kinda parodies Sesame St. books.

If you get the chance, I highly recommend seeing Avenue Q.  It's funny, different, the tunes are great...and for you furry fans,  there's "full puppet nudity!"  That's right, actual puppet sex...who wouldn't want to see that!?
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