Yeah, it's been awhile

Jan 23, 2007 21:19


Like the subject says, it's been awhile.  Guess I haven't quite gotten the LJ bug yet.  You know the one, where you can't help but jot down a few words everyday...or sooner.  So, instead of trying to catch you up on everything that's been going on since my last post, I'll make it easy on you (and me) and start with my Xmas vacation and go from there.  How's that sound?  Too bad, I'm starting there anyway.

Type your cut contents here.For me, Christmas vacation was from 12/20 to 1/8.  Not too shabby.  One of the benefits of working in an educational institution.  I figured I have the same ho-hum, do nothing vacation I always have:  Spend my time laying around the house, watching TV or glued to my computer, except for Xmas day where I'd be at my Sister's, and perhaps spending an all-too quiet evening at Chris's on New Year's eve (he doesn't like to go out).

And to a degree I did all that.  But there were some changes.  Instead of just spending Xmas day at my Sister's, I actually spent two days there...and didn't mind it.  Usually, I get bored there pretty quick, but this year, I rather enjoyed it.  I had brought some diversions with me, just in case, but hardly touched them.  Me and my Sister even went to the show, but I don't remember what we saw, though I do remember we both liked it (wow, I almost feel a song coming on).

On the 29th, My Sister, Bro-in-law, one of my Nephews and I drove down to Cincinnati to visit some of our relatives.  We hadn't seen them since my Ma passed so I was looking forward to going.  They seem to get down there a few times a year, but I haven't been there for about, what...four...five?  Anyway, I'm normally not one for road trips, but again, for some reason, I didn't mind this one.  We pretty much chatted the whole way down.  I did take a breather and listened to my iPod for a bit, but that was about it.  Even though it'd been a few years, as we drove through Cinci, everything seemed exactly the same as before.  Not just the last time I'd been there, but as far back as I can remember.  That place just doesn't seem to change, which was rather comforting.  Our family used to make yearly pilgrimages to my Aunt's house every year for Xmas.  Most of my Ma's family lived around there, and she has a big enough place to accommodate  those who want to stay over.  We would usually stay three to five day.  We found that any longer than that my Ma and her Sister would start ripping into each other.  Other than that, it was always a great time.  But, like all things, it didn't last:  My Ma's folks, who lived in my Aunt's house died, My aunt got divorced, kids grew up and moved far away.  Eventually, my Ma got too old to drive that far, and as for me, I didn't really care much.  For me, Christmas just wasn't Christmas any more.

But, I digress.  When we got to my Aunt's place, it too, hadn't changed a lick.  I always loved her house.  It's an older place and has that old-house smell, if you know what I mean.  I loved it.  My Sister and her hubby were going to stay at a hotel while I stayed at my Aunt's, and since we were only staying over night, I didn't have much to haul up the two flights of stairs to my room.  Even if I did, I wouldn't have minded.  I would just be reliving another fond memory.  We had gotten there around one and we all just sat around chewing the fat.  Later on, a couple of my cousins showed up.  One lives next door and the other lives in Greenwood, Indiana, which isn't too far from Cincinnati. She had also brought one of her Sons with her, which my Nephew was happy about as they get along quite well.  While we were there, my Bro-inlaw just couldn't help but play handyman and fixed my Aunt's kitchen sink, which had been dripping for some months.  He couldn't fix the current fixtures so me, my Bro-inlaw, one of my Cousins and my Aunt, drove to a nearby Home Depot and bought a whole new faucet.  She, of course, objected, but you could tell she was pleased, and when it was installed she was downright happy.

Once that was taken care of, it was time for dinner and my Bro-inlaw wanted to take my Aunt to this one pizza place he knew she liked.  This wasn't your run-of-the-mill Pizza Hut.  This was a gen-u-ine pizzaria.  We didn't tell her where we were going so she was quite surprised when we got there.  We got there before the dinner rush, which was nice.  Since there was nine of us, they put a few tables together (just like at MOFO) and we got served almost right away.  I chose not to have pizza but opted for one of their pasta dishes, but I forget which one.  It was a great evening.  I think it was because we were able to get as many of us together as we did.  That's what I liked most about coming down to my Aunt's, all the relatives showing up.  Just like the commercial says, a full house for Christmas...priceless.

When we got back to the house we all sat around, digesting and yakking it up.  I did my best to soak in every moment.  Eventually, it was time for my cousins to head home and my Sister and Bro-inlaw to go to their hotel.  Which left just me and my Aunt.  After they left I really noticed how strange it was to be there without my Ma.  I mentioned this to my Aunt.  Next thing you know we're reminiscing about my Ma and our past Christmases there, etc. etc.  Eventually, it was time to crash for the night so I said my goodnights and headed up to my room.  The next morning, I got up, had breakfast, gathered my stuff together and waited for my Sister and Bro-inlaw to show up.  When they arrived we sat around and chatted some more, but my Bro-inlaw wanted to be on the road by Noon so we had to say our goodbyes, which I was sorry to do.  My Aunt's up there in years and I don't know how many more times I'll get to see her.  She says she wants to come up to Michigan this Spring so that'll be nice.  anyways, before we left, we ran into my Cousin who lives next door and said goodbye.  The trip home was uneventful, though the weather in spots was rather crappy;  Mostly fog patches, sometimes rain.  Unlike the trip down, we wern't  nearly as chatty.  Oh, I almost forgot:  When we got to Toledo, we stopped to have dinner at Tony Packo's Cafe.  Yep, the same one Klinger from M*A*S*H mentioned.  I got home sometime around five and boy, was I glad.

Well, I gotta crash for the night.  We'll pick this up again tomorrow...I hope.  :)
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