Today has been my first day back to work, and to celebrate I have taken some photos of a few recent (semi-) completed
Warhammer 40k models. (Apologies in advance for the poor photo quality - one of these days I'll get a proper camera.)
First up, we have some Sisters of Battle getting ready to trash some heretical kid's birthday party.
Let's follow those lovelys up with some dude with a big shield and his lovely counterpart, an armored nun.
Ready to read any heretic to death is our lovely fellow, guy with big scrolls.
The most recently completed model (with the exception of the basing and a few other random bits) is some Icarus looking guy.
Finally, I've started to play around with some slightly more detailed bases. Here are the results from my first attempt.
I'm not yet entirely satisifed with the results, but I think that I'm getting better. Still, they should be good enough to play with, and that's really the goal. I've almost finished a 500 point army of witch hunters - hooray! Just three more models to go.