At face value, I know that you're thinking this post is way too long to give a good read, and that--at best--you plan to skim through it. Don't. I encourage you to read what I have to say here, and to do so with an open mind. Afterwards, give it some thought. And, if the spirit moves you, post your opinions--they'd be greatly appreciated.
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- tell me what you think greg
<3 suky
The point is, however, that you make a good point. I'm afraid what I've written may be read as a sweeping generalization. I didn't intend it to be, nor do I believe that every person settles. Just a majority. I do admire the working class hero that creates a life for himself from his broken dreams, a Phoenix from the ashes. But we must keep in mind that all of this is not written in black and white, but, as with most things in life, in shades of gray. Where do we draw the line between what is an impossible dream and what is attainable, between what we've been dealt and what we've accepted? Again, we should refer to the old adage: "Lord, give me the strength to accept what I cannot change, the strength to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." It is just my feeling that--and this is in NO way a criticism or a value judgement--that many people are more readily willing to accept and very afraid to change, either because they do actually lack the wisdom to see the difference, or, much more troubling, they lack the courage to change what they don't feel they could. I don't mean to come off presumptious, but, are there not times in the dead of night that you wonder if your acceptance comes more from an unwillingness to fight for something more rather than an absence of need to?
Just some stuff to think about. I don't really have the answers, I see that--just more questions.
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