Hey Everyone!

Oct 14, 2006 19:14

I haven't written in awhile, especially since we've settled into our house in San Diego, so I just wanted to say hi.

The new job is awesome! I seriously look forward to going to work every morning, and its really hard to pull away at the end of the day. The group I work with is really cool, and being in the entertainment industry rocks!

We had a development studio meeting on Friday at a theatre here. They set out breakfast in the lobby between 9 and 10 for us, then at 10 all of the departments presented what they have been working on, and plan on doing over the next year or so. They had computers and a PS3 hooked up to the movie screen and demo'd lots of projects that are coming out. Then we all went to see The Grudge 2 (which was a terrible movie by the way).

Later that day, one of our EQ2 fans that always sends cookies and stuff to the team sent another gift she got after spending time in Puerto Rico. It was a whole box of mini-barcardi rum bottles. It was really cool, and now its sitting on my desk for when I have one of those really hectic days! :) My biggest fear was that I would be starting this job, and it would be a long time before I felt like I was being productive. But already in the first week I've completed over 20+ modifications and bug fixes to various pieces of software and some of them were things people have been wanting for a long time. I've had lots of people express thanks for the work I'm doing, so it makes me feel great! I think my first suggestion will be making it into the game with the next expansion as well. I was playing on the beta server, and saw something that I thought could be better. I mentioned it to the lead designer, and a couple days later, I saw a notification where another developer was working on it.

The Marine Corps Air Station at Miramar had their annual air show today which was really awesome! Its just on the other side of I-15 from our neighborhood. So we were watching the show on TV in high-def and hearing the planes fly overhead. It was really cool looking out the window and seeing the Blue Angels doing maneuvers in the distance!

We've taken the boat out twice since we've been here. The first time was in the San Diego Bay where the naval station is, and all the big ships. We saw the Midway and Ronald Reagan aircraft carriers, and were in floating in the bay when the Navy launched two destroyers. We also got to see a HUUUUUGE cruise ship leave. It was really cool out there and we saw sea lions all over the place. The next weekend we took the boat out to a place called Mission Bay which is a whole lot smaller. Most of the bay is a no-wake zone and there are area for people to ski and use personal watercraft. So there wasnt much for us to do in our boat except cruise around. I started taking us out into the ocean, but the passengers were freaking out so I had to turn back. (whimps) :)

As if things couldn't get better, there's a UFC on Pay-Per-View tonight and Tiffany is on her way home with hot-wings! YAAAAAAAY! Unfortunately our big TV is still broken so we'll be watching it on the smaller one in the bedroom.

More to come soon...
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