25 Facts People May Not Know About Me

Mar 31, 2009 22:31

(done for charloft -  25 random facts about my House muse and his thoughts that I have gleaned from canon, what I feel might be possible given canon!House's attitudes and a bit of my own personal fanon regarding the character.  Done in first person.)

25 Random Facts About Me, Gregory House

I tell you twenty-five things and then you go away, right?  Fine, on one condition- you mention these to anyone else and I will deny ever talking with you.  Got it?

1.  I was a boyscout made it to Eagle scout.  I didn't have a choice. 
2.  I ran away when we were stationed in Japan.  The Colonel got transferred stateside and I didn't want to leave.  Took them a week to find me.  It was many more weeks after that before I could sit down comfortably.
3.  I wasn't the one who was cheating at Hopkins although I was busted for it.
4.  I have known Wilson for 20 odd years.  We have been sleeping together off and on for about the past fifteen.  Shhh. It is a secret.
5.  I had a relationship with Cuddy when she was finishing her residency.  It wasn't a one night stand.  There were... complications that ended the relationship sooner than I may have wanted.  I'll leave it at that for now. 
6.  My infarction wasn't just out of the blue.  Infarctions are quite frequent in middle age alcoholics.
7.  Vicodin was not my first addiction.  But just like Vicodin, my first addiction didn't prevent me from functioning either.
8.  I almost joined the Marines just to show the bastard I could hack it.  I came to my senses before I signed the dotted line however.
9.  Was diagnosed 'Oppositional Defiant' as a teenager by a base shrink.  I am most certainly not.
10.  I enjoy cuddling affection and closeness with a partner, but in private where that sort of thing belongs.
11.  I am what one calls a 'confirmed bachelor'.  I enjoy what I have with Wilson, the occasional prostitute and what I could have with Cuddy if she wasn't looking for a man to sink her claws into husband.
12.  I am more my father's son than I care to admit.  My words at the funeral were not contrived- they were among the most honest I have ever spoken.
13.  I blame myself for Amber's death although I know I shouldn't and have denied feeling that way.  Too many factors were at play for it to have been my fault, but on those lonely dark nights when nightmares of the accident, following days and Wilson's grief wake me, I can't help but think it was my fault.
14.  Given our relationship (that did not stop while he was with Amber) I am still waiting for an apology and barring that an explanation as to why Wilson felt he could ask me to do the DBS.
15.  The reason I didn't tell anyone about the Methadone until Wilson forced my hand because I was afraid it was going to end just the way it did. 
16.  I meant what I said to Amber on the bus- I don't want to be in pain, to be miserable, but it is safe.  I have never really known anything else.  The devil that you know is far more preferrable to the devil you don't.
17.  Tritter didn't even come close to finding half of my stash.  Probably not even half of just the vicodin.
18.  I admire the person and doctor Cameron has become even if she still get too emotionally involved.  Too bad she wouldn't come back to my team.  The ER could have Taub.
19.  The reasons I gave Wilson, and even the shrink he found out about was not the only reason(s) I had that put me in Middleton.
20.  Although I do my best to make sure I push everyone away, I am afraid of being alone but for now the pills, booze, music and Wilson take the edge off that.
21.  Out of all the members of my team, past and present, Kutner is the most like me.  He simply never gave up on hope.  There are times I would like to beat that out of him, then there are moments when I realise it is just as much a facade as my own and want to shake him and tell him to hold onto that hope with both hands because no one else is going help him hang onto it.
22.  Christmas Eve three years ago was not an accident.  I didn't misjudge anything.  I knew exactly what that much oxycodone taken in that small a time frame plus the bourbon would do.  My only misjudgement was that I didn't count on my body wanting to live more than my soul.
23.  To be honest- the prostitutes?  Not saying I don't enjoy one every now and then, but I partake less often than I make it seem.  Not that I am not a man among men mind you, but I am almost fifty, enjoy more than the occasional glass of bourbon not to mention the vicodin.    
24.  Despite what I have said to people-  I am more an unwilling agnostic who would like nothing better than to be a total athiest.  
25.  Contrary to popular belief- a belief I completely endorse, I am not an asshole.  Rude, obnoxious, abrasive- fine.  An asshole is someone whose main goal it is to set out to hurt someone.  Not saying I don't hurt people, but there is usually a reason that has more to do with it being for their own good than it does me wanting to hurt someone.  Then again, there are times when I am just an asshole.

*shrugs*  There, there's your twenty-five deep dark secrets.  Get lost.

charloft prompt

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