1. Post about something that made you happy today, even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this every day for eight days.
3. Find yourself noticing happy things, even once meme is over.
4. Pat yourself on your cheery back.
DAY ONE: (Bank Holiday Monday)
1 - Bloke and I talking each other into sorting out a pile of garden rubbish which has been harshing our garden's vibe since last summer (the shame, the shame!) We're neither of us very good at motivating ourselves to get out of bed and get on, but are quite good at pestering each other into action. The results speak for themselves:
Bags o'shite rubbish.
Privet branches are super springy when fresh cut, and super stiff when a year old.
That's one reason why there are so many bags - I shouldn't say that,
Also, leylandi rots down incredibly quickly and I swept up two bags of composty goodness
which had sunk very nicely into existence.
We're very good at 'ex' things in our garden.
This is the 'ex' greenhouse (and now 'ex' pile of rubbish!)
aka sunniest spot in garden and can't be seen from insane neighbour's house place.
It's about 6' by 5' in area; not to be sneezed at.
2 - The Boy's more mature ability to help with such jobs. Last summer he was a pain with asking to help and then getting very quickly bored. Now he'll go on and on helping for ages and it's genuinely useful help, in the main!
3 - That 'sinking into the sofa' feeling when you're bramble-scratched and bone-tired, but it feels good because you've actually achieved something positive and home enhancing.
4 - Second part of The Exile (John Simm/Olivia Colman/Jim Broadbent/Timothy West/Claire Goose) on BBC 1. So far, really sound writing (except for the Wendy character - she's pointless and aggravating) and fantastic acting from everyone. AND it clashed with Game of Thrones, meaning I could put off the depressing hour of that for a while longer!
5 - One-off short, original fic brewing in my head and making use of those brain-disengaged moments to work on the ending.
6 - Reading 'A Prayer for Owen Meany' by John Irving. So far, I'm LOVING it. Quite different to anything I've read before, and very beautifully written.
7 - The Boy RARING to go back to school after his two week Easter hols. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
8 - A pleasant evening/late night: chatting to Bloke, IMing with a good friend and Little R sleeping through the night without shouting out once (which she had been doing a lot of recently.) I know most parents have this all the time, but we're spoilt rotten by our kids, and I'm out of practice for disturbed nights.
A good day all round; even sunburning my lower back where my shirt had ridden up didn't dampen my spirits :-)