"It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars."

Aug 27, 2024 17:49

My brain is weird some times. Well, all the time, but some times more than others. Today, I was sitting at break, and as usual my thoughts were skipping about on random. And I started thinking about my mom, and how I used to tease her back when I was in high school about how old she was. "What did you learn about in school today?" "The Roman Empire. You were still in school then, yeah?" That sort of thing. And it occurred to me, that back then she was younger than I am now. I don't think of myself as old. I feel old, but I don't think of myself that way, ya know? Just threw me for a bit.

Anyhoozle, we're here at Day Nineteen, which is Favorite Series Finale. This one hasn't changed since my last answer. It's still "All Good Things." The Original Series and The Animated Series didn't have actual finales, they just ended. DS9 and Voyager wrapped up their series' ongoing storylines, decently well in my opinion. Discovery's was mostly a season finale, that had a series ender added as a coda a bit later, which was fine. Picard wrapped up its season well, and left a opening for what I still hope will be ST: Legacy. Lower Decks hasn't started airing its final season yet. Prodigy's second season finale isn't yet confirmed to be a series finale, so there's still some hope there. Strange New Worlds is still going, with no ending yet given. And Enterprise. Oh, Enterprise. Poor Enterprise. That ending was absolute pure shit. I mean, even when I hadn't watched most of the series and didn't care much for what I had seen, I'd heard about the finale and thought it was a terrible idea. Now having seen it after watching the whole series, terrible doesn't do it justice. I feel so bad for the cast, who were essentially reduced to Very Special Guest Stars in their own finale! Of all of Rick Berman's many sins, and they are legion, this could be the very worst.

But that's not the topic of the day, and I've wandered off track. "All Good Things" is a fun ending to the series that left things open ended, which makes sense as they were transitioning the cast to the movies. But it felt like an ending, without actually ending things. So, thirty years later it still holds up as the best finale in the franchise. At least to me.

star trek

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