It's really been a while...

Nov 19, 2006 08:34

... since I posted here! LOL It's likely cuz I don't get much response when I do post.

Not too much is new in my life.

Work: Still at BPS selling camping gear. I've been there over two years now! I've lost track of the number of openings I've applied for, both directly in the mental health field and vaguely related to it. I think the last interview I got was for a management trainee position for a discount store. There were only 60+ of us interviewing for something like 5 positions! That was last spring... Tells you something about the job market around here. I did talk to a chain photo studio about an opening there, but I would violate their non-compete clause if I continued my "freelance" work. Gee that sucks...

Photography: I've been shooting lots of sports at my son's school. Getting a few orders too, so that's nice. I'm about even, expenses vs income on that! I'm using an online ordering site called Digiproofs so folks can view and order online. They need a password from me to access the pictures so I don't have to worry about posting pictures on the Net of minors...

Life In General: Financial stresses are depressing. We're essentially barely getting from paycheck to paycheck. Late on bills, etc. I've cut my spending way back, but the SO continues pretty much at the same pace. gets pissed at me when I tell her we have no money, then spends anyhow. Overdraft fees are killing us... I guess since she's the primary breadwinner, she feels entitled.. AT least she can't charge any more since the cards are maxed out... At least that's what I tell her...shhhhhhh I want to have most of it paid off by the time Mark graduates from high school.

My son is doing well with his Crohn's. I think being so active with sports at school is really helping with it. He's finished with his Boy Scout Eagle project and is now trying to get adult leaders in the troop to follow through with the paperwork stuff.

Guess that's it for the moment.
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