There are defining moments in our lives. There comes a time when we have to conciously decide, "Today is what matters, not yesterday, not last year, not any of it." It doesn't do anyone any good to live in the past, to feel the things that hurt us. While we may never forget things that were or were not said, or done or not done, we can not let them control who we are today. These episodes in our lives have given us choices on how to live our lives, it's up to us, to choose the way.
People may not always agree, and family makes mistakes. We hurt each other, it isn't just one offending party. Everyone is hurt by things said or done. Whether we hold onto it, that's a different story. I want you around, but you need to want it. You need to make up your mind that you are not going to bring the past with you. I'm not carrying it with me. It is not easy, I actively think about it all the time. But, I don't want to be the person who holds all the negative. My little boy depends on the here and now, not 10 years ago, 5 months ago or 1 week ago. He keeps me focused. I need to have that constant reminder, because it would be all to easy to fall into the poor me, and why can't anyone see my point. It's just that, they can't. Don't judge me until you live what I live, but people can't do that. So, I don't judge (or try not to) because I can't understand what someone has been through, just as they can't get my crap.
Concious choice, that's all. Is it acceptable for someone to go off on me? No, then I would hopefully live the same.
People may not always agree, and family makes mistakes. We hurt each other, it isn't just one offending party. Everyone is hurt by things said or done. Whether we hold onto it, that's a different story. I want you around, but you need to want it. You need to make up your mind that you are not going to bring the past with you. I'm not carrying it with me. It is not easy, I actively think about it all the time. But, I don't want to be the person who holds all the negative. My little boy depends on the here and now, not 10 years ago, 5 months ago or 1 week ago. He keeps me focused. I need to have that constant reminder, because it would be all to easy to fall into the poor me, and why can't anyone see my point. It's just that, they can't. Don't judge me until you live what I live, but people can't do that. So, I don't judge (or try not to) because I can't understand what someone has been through, just as they can't get my crap.
Concious choice, that's all. Is it acceptable for someone to go off on me? No, then I would hopefully live the same.
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