After Ages of Silence

Apr 12, 2006 00:49

I'm still here. I'm still in Japan. And I'm still doing things.

Sometimes I write about them...but more often than not that writing is done on paper lately, and for that I must apologize. It's already clear to me, as it may have been from the beginning, that this journal is a bit of a failure. However, do not think for a moment that my experiences here in any way resemble the success of this journal.
Still almost every day I experience something interesting and amazing that could have never happened if I had never been here.

I have 4 months remaining of my time in Japan. To those with whom I've spoken from home this sounds like still such a long time, yet when I speak with my friends here I realize just how short that time is. Soon I need to be deciding return dates for my plan ticket. This is a thought that keeps creeping up and I keep crushing down. It feels so final.
Not to the loss of my Kalamazoo life in anyway, I've built a new life here, so to speak. I've set a foundation; sometimes I think I'm already putting up the walls. I feel like thinking about leaving now is a little bit like burning the blueprints halfway through construction. The other night, Sarah was telling me that it's possible to extend my stay, yet I know that that would be completely impossible. It's just another thought that keeps creeping up that I have to smash back down.

But anyway, the real reason I'm posting, before I began rambling, is to tell you that I've added a new section to my photo album ( ) called "Photo Edits." I'm not producing quite the volume of photo edits that I did in times past--nothing like during my freshman year--but here are a few more. While you're over there, check out Sapporo, Hakodate, Shimane, Nara, and Kyoto to see the things I did over break. Now that the new semester's begun, I feel like maybe the flow of photos will drop off somewhat. So take them in while you can!
Before I turn this thing off I might also toss in some pics on the front page of some sakura (cherry blossoms), but I didn't manage to get any really wonderful pictures of these. Can you believe it? Pretty much the entire time that they were really fully blooming I was either busy or there was rain and clouds! What a lousy sakura season! (guess I'll just have to come back for another one! ha!)
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