Six months plus between postings isn’t really that bad is it? Of course I have an excuse with school, work, and family absorbing my free moments. However, the school excuse just took hiatus because I am now a graduate. Monday night (6/16) was my last night of class, which was a little anticlimactic because the graduation processional was on May 31st. I’m going to take a week or two to enjoy and catch up on fun stuff. In Mid July, after Alyssa’s birthday, the family and I are going to take a small vacation down to Salt Lake City and just hang out. Later in the summer we are expecting a visit from the Klingalhoffer’s up from Redwood City, Alyssa is going to be excited visiting with Mari again. Those girls have a bond that goes beyond their connection from the orphanage.
I suppose I’ll post a few photos of me in my cap and gown. (what a geek I am).
I think this would be a good place for a link dump. I’ve lately been intrigued by historic/nostalgic photos, especially when accompanied with stories or other commentary.
Here is a good example: This other is the USC digital archive where there are plenty of photos of Southern California, Glendale, Burbank, etc… from the Auto Club: Here is a great example of what I would do if I had the time and resources: James Lileks is an old pro at compiling memories and re-representing those memories in an artful and humorous way. Starting with his website: you can find: And here is a new one: Note the Moonlight Roller Rink event that he had.