Yom Kippur

Sep 22, 2007 01:45

I don't write much. Not that anyone can't tell this by my sheer volume of posts. Today though is different. I'd like to talk about something that has always given me pause - both in hope for our future and in sorrow for our past.
Today began Yom Kippur. This day has been central in my mind since my first real experiences Judaism. I may not be Jewish but this is a holiday I have held since 1991. I lost a good friend - a man who gave his life for what was right - in late August 1991. We had talked - about politics, religion, history, future, all those things one talks about when you are so busy fearing for your very life that the last thing you want to do is admit that fear. I learned a lot about being me and about being human.
Since then, I have quietly and personally recognizing this day - for myself and Ahran. I have never questioned this belief or this need. It is a Day of Atonement - for those things I did or stood silent for as well as those we as humanity watched in silence.
An artist on deviantART - and one who's art I like - posted something today in his journal. Things we should remember, things we should never forget. Sharing these iconic images, some may not understand - but amongst my friends I think that number will be small. Please, view these on gilad's deviantArt Journal.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)
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