Nov 30, 2016 23:36
I made up - well, re-wrote - a song for today:"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
That's not true at all!
It's 11 degrees and wet;
We haven't had good snow yet;
The autumn leaves still in the trees won't fall.
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
Soon that won't feel strange,
And the normalest thing will be
This warmth and greenery
Thanks to climate change.
Sometimes a classic needs a little update in order to stay relevant. This one is born from me going out to get lunch today with my spring jacket unzipped; the original song was playing from an outdoor speaker. The first verse had formed itself during the two-block walk from the office to Bartram House, and the second one I came up with while I was waiting for the bus home. The quotes are meant for irony: this year's unseasonable weather hasn't stopped Pittsburgh from being totally decked out for the holidays starting in mid-November. Even now, meanwhile, it's 11°C out.
Has anything else happened this week worth writing about? Right now I feel like I spent the whole time fighting off a two-day headache. I woke up with it yesterday, suffered through a whole day at work, and went to bed at 8:00 right after dinner. Normally 12 or 13 hours in bed ought to do the trick. But of course I had a lot of trouble sleeping, had weird dreams, and woke up in about the same condition as before. Scrambling for the bus, which came a few minutes early this morning, actually seemed to be the start of recovery; I suppose that's one more point in favor of physical activity. Finally I felt more or less normal again by about 6:00. If all that time in bed had no effect, I've got to believe that the other most likely cause is the crazy weather. An idea for the unwritten middle part of my song, maybe.
The only other thing to report is two really amazing gym sessions, Monday night and tonight. Here I think the short Thanksgiving break was a good recharge. And fuel burst - I've hit 150 body weight twice in a row, seeing that number for the first time in 20 months. If this streak keeps up, December is going to be a good month in regards to my workout programme.