Apr 21, 2007 13:47
I apologize in advance for even mentioning this. But seriously its just good clean fun. Ready, Set, Go!!!!!!!!!
I’ve heard the Voice mail that Alec left his daughter. I feel the need to once again apologize. How boring, and giving attention to someone it pains me to refer to as a Human being, makes me a deplorable human.
I’m going to take two sides to this subject. First, There is something very wrong with an adult that can loose their temper at there child who age they can not recall and continue the triad for over 2 minutes, calling his own child words I would not use to describe very many people. I would have to guess his daughter is probably used to being treated like that and is most likely being abused in other ways.
The second side.
I don’t believe for a moment the tape was real. I believe it was some sort of publicly stun created for both parents benefits, I’m not saying the daughter consented, rather was not given a choice. How can a smart Hollywood celebrity, and I use the term smart only because the man found success in an area many of failed. I don’t believe the man is intelligent for a nanosecond. Quite the opposite, He’s a Celebrity, that in and of
It self proves that man has a thanksgiving buffet of psychological issues. Anyway a person with the common since of a 5th grader would not have done that. Unless it was staged.
I do hope it was. But I still believe any publicly whore celebrity should not have Children.
Do you see a movie strictly because some actor you enjoy is in it, regardless of the Plot? How about refuse to see a movie regardless of the plot become a particular actor is in it?
In closing.
I really wish Alec kept his promise to Leave America if Bush was elected, it was the only reason I voted for him J