Dec 04, 2005 01:06
Well today I woke up at about 9am and watched the live-webcast of the four races for Cross Country I was really waiting for and some of my picks won and some lost but it was a good match up to say the least! I was all excited lol
After that I went to L's house and picked her and her brother up and L bought pizza and we went back to my house and ate the pizza and played monopoly. L won lol. Then after that we went out and saw Harry Potter. The whole movie there was these two girls giggling about 3 seats down...and I noticed once when I took my hat off...I heard "hot" *giggle giggle giggle*...I couldn't help but laugh, they looked young (maybe 17 or 18) but I thought that was kinda awkward.
After that I dropped L and her brother off at home, came home and now i'm writing in here. Tomorrow I don't have shit planned, might as well look for a nice paying job eyy? lol maybe. Maybe not. depends on how shitty I feel! haha gnite.