ok, so here it goes...
50 Things You May Not Know About Me:
1.) I tend to keep to myself about most things, unless I'm really close to someone, or I can really trust them.
2.) When it comes down to it I prefer tranquility over perfection.
3.) I'm extremely political. I'm a radical, a liberal, and not nice during debates. No Mercy.
4.) When I was little I use to love the Backstreet Boys. I always regreted this. That Backstreet Boy CD in my house? It's mine. I keep meaning to burn it (literally), but my Mom wants to keep it.
5.) People who use improper grammar online annoy me. Missing a few commas or periods is fine, but when people don't use any puncuation of any kind, I get really annoyed. Don't try it.
6.) I'm not really much a morning person, I just can never sleep in really late like most people.
7.) I write poems when I'm depressed, and sometimes even when I'm not.
8.) I enjoy reading poems, and I'm a sucker for symbolism. (To an extent)
9.) I've had a total of 5 crushes in my life. Two this year. I consider the other 3 to be almost insignificant. (Names will not be public information, nice try)
10.) I have virgin lips. Meaning I've never been kissed. Some see this as a weakness, but I see it as a strength. Most women agree.
11.) I hate people my own age. They tend to be ignorant, nieve, and completely immature by my standards. Plus older people know how to have a good time.
12.) I'm very picky about my food.
13.) I don't really have a favourite color. It all depends on my mood.
14.) I can't stand writing by hand, I do much better when I type.
15.) I love writing in general.
16.) I spend my time on the computer working for software companies and clients. I don't get paid for my work... yet.
17.) I am a very accomplished programmer, infact my alias is quite well known across the internet.
18.) I am currently working on a Gaming League, called Domination, that will most likely revolutionize gaming. Found Here:
http://www.dominationleague.com 19.) I like to confuse people.
20.) I'm addicted to caffine.
21.) I tend to skip the bullshit and just get to the point of things.
22.) I am very picky about women.
23.) I'm very secure.
24.) No, I'm not gay. You're welcome to think I am all you want, doesn't bother me.
25.) No, I do not think of my sister in a sexual way. Stop bringing it up. I am simply not bothered by "images" of such things. I'm mature enough to get the fuck over it. Now I just wish other people would do the same thing.
26.) My only fear is being alone the rest of my life.
27.) I do not smoke. I have, yes, but it's not a habit and I don't do it nearly enough to be classified as smoking. I hate cigarettes. I only smoke weed, and that's as far as it will ever go. Refer down a few updates to see my reasoning, and why I don't think it's wrong.
28.) Type of people I hate: Conservatives, People who take things too seriously, Preppies, Posers, and immature assholes.
29.) My favourite food is pizza. I'd live off of it if I could.
30.) I love the dark. I just wish I could get out more during the night.
31.) I like to think I have a better touch with reality than most people, but I tend to loose that touch every once in a while.
32.) I enjoy talking to people.
33.) I try my best to enjoy life. Sometimes it's hard, though.
34.) I act differently around different people. The only real me is the me inside my head.
35.) I enjoy Philosophy and Philosophical Debates.
36.) I'm Athiest, and I enjoy religious debates. I tend to win them.
37.) My age has always been my weakness, but I enforce it as my strength.
38.) I have a very strong stomach. I've seen some crazily sickening shit, but don't even feel like throwing up. Never understood why people do.
39.) I prefer being hot over being cold.
40.) I have an odd facination with Space, Life, and Physics. Science in general facinates me.
41.) I've had glasses since 1st grade.
42.) I don't like to talk about myself much in person.
43.) I enjoy listening to people talk.
44.) I tend to jump to conclusions about people, but never openly share those opinions.
45.) I hate guns, but I have always wanted to go to a shooting range, yet I doubt I'll ever own a gun. If I do it will just be for shooting targets at a shooting range, and have no intention of ever really using it.
46.) For me Games aren't just about entertainment, they help me relax. Why? Don't know.
47.) I never really had a "Best Friend", just good friends.
48.) Sometimes I'm afraid to voice my opinion.
49.) I'm a huge trekie
50.) I'm a visual learner, and I need to be shown how to do something most of the time. Telling me how to do something usually doesn't work.
I started this thing at 9:00am and now it's almost 5:40pm. God damn this was harder than I thought. 50 things is a lot, but it's all good.