The Truth....

Jul 26, 2004 19:26

For the first time in history the American army was used in a war against the American people, not far from where I live. In fact... it's just a few hours drive from where I live. The American army, complete with automatic rifles and backed up with a dozen black hawk attack helicopters, raided Humboldt County, California (200 miles north of San Francisco). The mountain people were scared as shit. People with automatic rifles raiding their home, pointing guns at them and their children... And they weren't even fighting a person, and not fighting Nazi's or Communists. They were "fighting" a PLANT. Yes, that's right... they were fighting a fucking PLANT. Yes... the Marijuana Plant. They did manage to find a few plants, and to make the pile look bigger for the news cameras they brought in a bunch from the government’s "secret stash". They said; "Another step for the war on drugs". War? The American army set to war against the American people? And this is supposed to make us feel safe, secure, and protect? Protect from what... exactly.

Not to long ago there was a protest in Humboldt County. They were chaining themselves to 800 year old trees to prevent them from being cut down. To save one of the last remaining virgin forests in our country. The loggers saying; "What about paper? We need wood for paper! You need paper and cardboard to make those protest signs!". The answer has been right under our noses... GROW MORE POT! If you want to save the Earth and to ozone, we all just need to get together and GROW MORE POT.

There's a book out titled " The Emperor Wears No Clothes", by Jack Herer. And in this book, among other places, it says... before the 20th century the Marijuana plant provided almost all of the worlds paper, all the world's clothing, and almost all the world's rope. According to the US Department of Agriculture you can make more paper out of an acre of Marijuana hemp plants then you can from an acre of trees. And instead of cutting down redwood tree's and turning all of northern California, Washington, and Oregon into a desert, if you do it with hemp plants you can just grow MORE, and make MORE paper, at 1/4 the cost of making paper from wood, and at 1/5 the pollution. The Ancient Romans grew it, Henry the 8th made each farmer in old England grow their share, because they all knew if you want the strongest natural fiber there is, you got to GROW MORE POT.

America did too, guess what Levi Jeans use to be made out of, and guess what American flags use to be made out of. And guess what the early drafts of the declaration of independence and the constitution were written on? And if that doesn’t fit your religion... guess what they made Bible’s out of!? Guess what you can use to power you’re CAR. You can get at least 4x as much cellulous to make methanol from hemp stems as you can from a corn stalk, which along with solar energy would be a great way to prevent dieing from oil. In the 1920’s and early 1930’s you had to option to have your car run on gas or methanol. And most racing car’s still do run on methanol. In the 1760’s in some American conolonies you can even be JAILED for not growing pot. Hemp was also legal tender up until the early 1800’s. Hemp is also a great source for protein, even more so than Soy Beans, and it’s cheaper than Soy Beans too, or so says the US Department of Agriculture.

Marijuana is legal for Medical use in 34 states, used to treat a whole list of things. It’s even shown some signs to be able to combat HERPES. And, guess what kind of a parachute George Bush himself used when he bailed out of that bomber in World War 2? Hemp was illegal by then, but some farmers were told to grow it again for the war effort. And the US army has their own stash all along in some colonies in the Philippines.

How did everything get turned around so badly? Doesn’t it seem pointless that we burn oil and choke ourselves and chop down trees and ruing our lives by throwing innocent people in jail, and sending them to drug camp and selling all their property before their brought to trial. In the process making cocaine and heroine cheaper and easier to get than Marijuana. Why do we do this when we don’t have to!? Meanwhile the LA Police Chief gets front page approval for telling the US Senate that pot smokers should be shot on sight, because smoking pot is treason. Why was marijuana cracked down on so violently?

Ready for the truth?

In 1936 Popular Mechanics magazine hailed the invention of a new machine that could process hemp, predicting that Hemp would once again become the world’s largest cash crop. This did not sit well with companies such as Hurst Paper Manufacturing and other multi-nationals who had large timber holdings. And didn’t sit to well with Dupont. Hemp processing uses only 1/5th the chemicals used to process wood pulp, and Dupont just patented a new wood pulp process, and Dupont’s patented process fibers had just passed up Hemp as the number 2 fiber next to cotton, and they wanted to keep it that way. And the last thing the big drug company’s wanted was to loose their share of the disease industry market, to other natural things such as Marijuana, because you can’t own and make money of a patent for medicine in the United States unless the drug has chemicals in it, if it’s all natural ingredients you can’t patent it. Maybe that’s why we don’t have access to a cure for cancer or AIDS.

Marijuana was outlawed in 1937. They used sickening (to me) propaganda to make people hate Marijuana. They pulled the racism card. They said; “Smoking pot may make you fall under the influence of listening to jazz”, and it was even said on the floor of Congress than Marijuana had to be banned because it might make a Black man look at a White woman twice. So, Marijuana was outlawed as “devil weed” in 1937.

It’s amazing how the government censors our information so much. Can you imagine the mass rampage if this kind of information really got out, and people KNEW that this “drug problem” they keep hearing about and reading about is being caused by the government themselves? And people knew how easily each one of us individually could turn our ecological and human crisis around without resorting to nazi bullshit like oil wars and drugs wars just by saying NO to George Bush? And people knew that the very companies that provide us with Kleenex and Paper Towels and junk mail have systematically and brutally rearranged everyone of our lives, that we are literally wiping our ass with our own future. And it doesn’t have to be this way! You don’t need to smoke pot to realize that the real drug problem in this world is not the drugs, and we can help solve our drug problem, crime problems, environmental problems, even our racial problems if we say no to our government and get together and GROW MORE POT.

The truth? There is no truth in this world anymore.

Source: Grow More Pot - Jello Biafra
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