May 02, 2009 02:05
Tonight's meeting was small. but for the first time in a very long while i had the energy of hope and strength to contribute today and so the meeting remained buoyant. I left feeling invigorated. the sun was still setting and i had nowhere to be (i forgot to plan my friday night, horrors!). i went for a walk through the west end, spending loads of time under cherry blossom trees overburdened with large poufy swells of flowers.
I stumbled upon mole hill community complex, the most amazing little co-op in the world. wandering through the newly cobbled back alley i was transported out of the west end and onto a quiet side street in a family neighbourhood...all within a block of davie and thurlow. i loved it so much i walked back and forth upon that back alley path 3 times, taking in the scene: community gardens, trellises, wrought iron fire escapes, heritage architecture, loving restoration and care of property. A resident and her son stopped me and we had a long conversation. she had lovely energy. her child was friendly and kind. i think i'm going to need to cozy up to the board and apply.