"You mean Bender is the Evil Bender?! I'm shocked! Shocked!...Well, not so shocked..."

Nov 18, 2004 01:38

Last night I realized that my choice to not meet any new gay boys is slightly unrealistic and regressive. It was a "noble" idea, in the sense that it was an attempt to simplify things for awhile and reduce all the drama raging these last few weeks. But "going cold turkey" was one extreme on a scale of decisions, just like meeting too many people and immersing myself in that drama was the other extreme. So in the interest of moderation I'm just gonna wing it and play things by ear I spose.

Well in the wee hours of the night yesterday I was winding down for bed and an incredibly cute, incredibly well-spoken lad started chatting me up. At first I thought nothing of it other than "hey great conversation!" but he said he was only visiting Portland for a couple days and that he really wanted to meet. Being as how I was wide awake at 4 in the morning and full of gregariousness once again, I figured why the heck not and we snagged coffee before coming back to my place.

We had a great time; he was a charming bloke who shared all sorts of common interests with me like Bjork and Japanese culture. But most importantly he was a really nice guy, and reaffirmed that there are a few of those still left in the world. Granted it was only a singular meeting and he could be a serial killer or whatever, but barring any of that what-if'ism it was still a really uplifting encounter. It feels good to be all enthused and "recharged" again, especially after two weekends ago.\

West Wing continued it's Awesome Streak (tm) tonight with another damned-funny episode. To wit:

Toby: "How do you get women?"
Josh: "I got that....boyish thing"
Toby: "I don't have that"
Josh: "Nah"

Although I'm a little worried about next week's teaser. Could it be any more like ER-meets-West Wing?

I've decided I'm a bonafide anime pussy. Wolf's Rain is finally on three nights a week (Monday through Wednesday) on Carton Network and even though I've seen like three-quarters of all the episodes, I still cry or get watery-eyed watching each one. It's just so damned well-done and full of heart. And I don't know why I'm disclosing this but at least it'll give Rachelle and Mikey some good teasing ammo this weekend, lol.

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