Challenge 44: Spellbound
I recently saw this episode again, so I've decided to use this as a challenge because Greg is just so awesome in it :)
Caps were taken from here, and you can use these, your own caps, or the caps under the cut; as long as it's from Spellbound and has Greg in it.
- You can make up to 4 icons
- The icons must be 100x100 and under 40kb.
- Don't show off your icon before winners are posted.
- Icons are due February 15th, 2008
I separate this rule because I need to have an announcement: After this challenge, Challenge 45 and on, all challenges will now be
bi-weekly. This means that challenges will take two weeks instead of one. I figure we give enough extensions/are always late anyway, plus we are swamped with work. Also, this gives you an extra week to make icons!
Anyway, everything else remains the same; I'll still post reminders, only now there will be the mid-reminders will be a week after the challenge is posted, and then I'll post another reminder the week it is due. Voting will still be from Friday to Sunday. Like I said, only the duration of the submissions has changed.
Oh! Because the length of time has changed, you can also make 6 icons instead of 4 in the future.
I hope this is okay with all of you!