This is the super special challenge that
goddess_loki suggested for this challenge. This is also a two part challenge, however you can either do part A or Part B, but not both.
Also I am really sorry for the delay,
goddess_loki and I didn't get a chance to talk this over til today and I was at work for most of the day.
If you decide to do this part of the challenge, you will have a lot more freedom with the icons. The theme of this part is "Greg/Other" icons. Basically you make an icon of Greg and someone else, whether it's shippy, friendship or whatever is up to you. Essentially pair Greg up with someone you like to see him pairied up with either on the show, in fanfiction or whatever.
If you take part in this challenge, you can make up to five icons but you can only use a maxium of three pairings/ships. For example, if you like Greg/Grissom, Greg/Sara, Greg/Nick, you can make five icons of the those three subjects. Or you can make five icons of one pairing. Whatever you feel like doing.
It does not have to be a romantic ship, the sky is really the limit. You can do a romantic pairing (or pairings), but mentorships, friendships, enemies, or any other type of pairing is fine for this challenge. Also you can use manips for this part of the challenge.
The final rule for this challenge: one of the icons that you submit must include a Greg quote (how much of the quote is up to you.)
If there's enough entries for this challenge, it will be judge seperately from Part B. So please have fun with it!
This is for anyone who doesn't want to do Part A. I will supply some caps for icons. The rules in this case is that both people in the caps must be used (so that it's still following the theme of Greg/Other of Part A.) Again these don't have to be overly romantic in nature, the focus is just of Greg with someone else. Similar to Part A, one of the icons that are submitted from Part B must include a Greg quote (again it can be an entire quote or part of a quote.) If there are enough entries for this challenge, it will be judged seperately form Part A.
For part B, you can make three icons, one for each cap.
Deadline: Sunday October 23rd at 9pm. Again I am really sorry for the delay.