A guy that dresses up like a bat clearly has issues.

Jul 27, 2006 02:18

You know people ask me every once and again "Greg, what exactly are you? What motivates you to be what you are, who you are, how you are? What is the meaning behing your persona and your ways?" In other words....how can people try to figure me out, how can they get inside my head?

This is what I tell them:

Somewhere deep inside all of us, there lies something that is instinctive to our survival, and that is protection. Protection for what and for whom from what and from whom you ask? Well as we all have learned Mother Earth and Nature can be our greatest provider and also our worst enemy. Same with humans: we can save one another and feed the entire world, or we can watch with contempt as others starve. As kindness and compassion shines on us brightly from time to time, in the cracks of surface there is evil and darkness. I am not speaking of the duality of God and Satan, while there is light and dark forces there too, I also feel that there is a conflict and duality right here on Earth, generated by the human race. In essence, someone needs to be the provider, the protector of those who are good. And at the same time, someone must punish those who wrongdo the good and the tranquil...evil must be curtailed and brought to justice.

But somewhere along the way the lines of what is justice and what is vengance gets blurred. In the haste of travel and in the experience of life....some people fail others, and others may come and go unexpectedly or even rise far and above an occasion. For whatever reasons for these transgressions, sometimes humans balk at the idea of trust and willingness to ask others for help in their plights of life.

Enter me.

Ready to support the weight of the universe on my shoulders, willing to stretch myself across the galaxy for those I love and honor, and those who ask me to help them in their time of needs.

And to those who cross me and those whom I protect.....I seek justice, or do I seek vengance? I seek retribution, or do I seek a punishment that borders on mercilesness? The ambigiouity of it all becomes almost too dizzy for myself to fathom, so I use a symbol...an intangible phenomena that is around us all the time, something that has preceeded humans and will most likely be around after we are all gone as well. For those whom I hold close, I offer them a lifetime of loyalty, honor, love and duty. And for those whom cross them, I offer them fear. Fear for they know not what and when and how my retributions may be paid. From the shadows bore the cloak of the warrior, and inside him is the edge of darkness and fear. Curt, edgy, and sharp....the even keel appearance is what is displayed. But if duty calls and the hour arises....the darkness inside will break loose and demand satisfaction and recoginition as a force.

"Greg, what are you?"

I am The Night.
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