Feb 19, 2004 16:07
Hey Today was like totally borin. A mean REALLY B-O-R-I-N-G!! A had to listen to mrs fisher talk her usual shite. That woman really has lost her marbles a think!:P Maybe she shud remove the backin store from her arse n realise we dnt find her jokes funni!:D Erm........wot else did a do the day.... o yeah a found out that the whole "leighann n john" thingy was a load a crap. Just like NOT true. O yeah n a found out kimmi mcewan is also goin back out wae darren wilson (the wee gay boy fae VOLA) God whats the word coming to these days all u wee randy bastards all goin wae each other. OMG a just heard about a fite after skool. Sparky n sum other dude. Sparky stabbed the other guy n the police were all there n that oooooh. a always miss the good fites man!:@ Oh a just remembered its no uniform day 2moz. hope ye all look gd!! (well apart fae all the ugly skanks coz u just canny do anything lol) O ryt a heard about the fite offa sumone else n the dood neva got stabbed just sarah being a wee liar:@ Aw shit ma mum is in a well bad mood and am no fuckin wantin to listen to her moanin about how fuckin messy the house is. Erm....... a spoke to julie in maths the day n cleared up sumemt about her n stephen and a bullshit lie that was goin about. tut tut. a canny wait till a can walk again man coz a will b out wae all a those folk n findin out wot a have missed over the past 2 months a canny believe a broke ma leg at a fuckin disco man thats so :$:$:$. Oops lol a made hayley a bit mad again. o well hoo cares man that lassie has an attitude problem anyway! O that spazzy taxi really makes u suicidal wae sam talkin to ye. especially when his breath smells a dogs breath man its makes u wanna b sick at least. OK am hyper now man just drank like hunners a irn bru n hehehe am all happy now:D makes a change seein as am a grumpy wee fucker. O yeah heard macky walking along the corridor the day (for louise) he has a well mad voice lol
Anyways am gonnae go coz erm...........a got shit all left to ryt about. Cya'll