Book Recommendation

Apr 20, 2008 15:40

From Theatrical Muse:
A friend asks you to recommend a book: which book would you choose and why?

I would certainly turn my comrades toward works of Rousseau, or perhaps to the de Graaf Manifesto or to more commonly known works such as the Declaration of Independence. My group has compiled key Carthian writings such as these into one singular book for the purposes of easy research, but many other texts exist outside of these, of course. Any writings on direct democracy are of particular interest to me, as well as botanical journals, though I do suspect many might find that sort of writing to be quite dry. I am afraid I just do not have the desire to read much fiction, so mine and Clara's library consists of mainly research texts and nonfiction.

I should think the Declaration of Independence would provide most interest to American Kindred. The struggle presented in the document is one Carthians face even today, and some phrases in particular sing to us. For instance, it is easy to take literal meaning from the statement: "A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people."

It is a passion of mine, all subjects of this matter, and one day I hope to see all Kindred and humans alike under a system of government that favors equality over all else.

While I know that many Kindred are against our philosophy, especially older Kindred who have grown used to the old ways, I believe our cause is just and worthy, and I hope that over time we will garner more and more supporters to aid in our cause.
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