Jan 08, 2009 23:34
Alright, so I've been pretty disheartened for the past couple, few days... I've given my resume to many, many places, emailed just as many people on craigslist, and still no prospective jobs. I've been wandering around, asking restaurants and stores if they're hiring, and sometimes giving them my resume anyway. Because like, nowhere is hiring, and if they were, why would they hire a girl with no experience?
But today was my LUCKY day!!! I stayed in all day, procrastinating on another day of job searching, and got to 8th Ave NYU around 5:30 pretty much just hoping for entertainment, maybe I'll meet some college kids to hang out with(except smart smart Hanna forgets that the rest of the world is on break, and can't find NYU anyway, and ends up at St. Marks). Anyway, I got THREE big chances for jobs!
#1: I walked into a pretty nice looking italian pizza chain, asked if they were hiring. The guy at the counter told me to ask "The Boss". There were two guys going over paperwork in the corner, and I asked, and naturally the old italian guy, named Guido, was charmed. Turns out they're hiring! Something along the lines of "how can I turn down a girl like you?" I smiled my ass off, and I wasn't even faking it because I really need a job! He said he'd call me!
#2: I decided to keep looking, since I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket and count them before they hatched or something along those lines. Went into a Korean restaurant, asked if they were hiring, some dude comes over and sits down to talk to me. It takes me like three repeated sentences to figure out what he's saying. Apparently the 50% of American customers who go there can't figure it out either though, because he said that they needed servers who spoke english well! He said I'd probably get a call next Monday, as his boss needs time to "decide"(look around for better servers) which is a while from now, but hopefully I'll have the other job by then and maybe I can use a higher-paying waitress job part time to augment the first one, if I get it.
#3: I passed by a little church, still just kinda looking for something to do, that has a bunch of people around it and a couple trucks of equipment... there's also a little blackboard that says "The Unusuals". I take out a cig and ask the people for a light(sneaky Hanna actually has a lighter in her pocket, but wants an excuse to talk). I thought it was just a band or something, but it turns out that they're filming for a new show on NBC called "The Unusuals". Anyway, I chatted a bit and asked them if they needed any help... really nice guys, I gave them my resume and one of them said he might be able to fit a couple days in for me!
new york,