Fandom Snowflake 2022 Challenge #3

Jan 09, 2022 18:57

When reading, on the whole I tend to avoid AUs, fusions, and crossovers-I see fusions as more like crossovers, so I'm putting in all three-except for divergent AUs. It is often intriguing to see alternative paths the characters might have taken had things worked out otherwise. On the other hand, I tend to avoid most of the college/fairy tale/omegaverse type of thing. Well, unless it's an author I otherwise trust.

Perversely, I've written some fusions myself. I like to do them straight. The latest one, "The Mystery of Mantlemass", fuses Time Team with Barbara Willard's Chronicles of Mantlemass. The story runs from the first letter to post-production, as the archeologists locate the long-lost manor and foundry from Willard's multi-generational YA historical series.

I think, when I am bitten by a notion that requires a fusion, the impetus is much the same as it is with any other persistent plot bunny: there's something that wants to be said.

Willard's final story in the series, "One of Us", is set at the time of publication (1981); and its theme is the loss of family history, since practically nothing remains from the 150-odd years covered in the series. As I reread the books last fall, though, it occurred to me that more might actually be discovered than Willard realized. The involvement of Time Team was obvious. Fortunately, there was a very prompt prompt in Yuletide; so I was inspired to write it all out as a treat.

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