January 20 2009
If you don’t know that date, I’ll enlighten you. It’s inauguration day, the day when we’re finally rid of the grinning fucking chimp.
Of course the question is, "Will we get someone better or worse than him?"
Who knows? Politicians are inherently corrupt.
On to more interesting news…
Instant Karma Baby
The Criminal Bush Administration is scrambling to shield itself from a law enacted by a GOP congress back in 1996.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14067214/ Apparently, the War Crimes Act of 1996 states: Officials and troops that torture detainees can be accused of war crimes, tried and convicted, and should the detainee die while in custody, those troops and officials could face the death penalty.
I guess the administration is panicky because The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has actually found a sack and upheld the Geneva Convention.
Attorney General Alberto (torture boy) Gonzalez has in the past advocated the use of torture as a persuasion tactic, and is now concerned that the SCOTUS will rule that this law must be followed too! (The nerve!)
The Bush Administration has called upon GOP lawmakers to draft legislation to protect these criminals from prosecution!
Our troops have tortured and killed detainees under orders of high ranking officials, let’s not fool ourselves into thinking a few "aberrant’ individuals are responsible. While I won’t argue there are a few of these nut-jobs among the troops, the majority participates under orders. Those who issue the orders are responsible.
I’ll say it… I’d dance with glee to see Bush and his cronies in The Hague awaiting trial for war crimes.
This administration is hemorrhaging. All of the carefully constructed and concealed criminal activity which they’ve been responsible for is being slowly uncovered and brought to light. Rather than admit to wrong doing and stop, they search for damage control, and lie to make it look as though they are right, despite the fact the rest of the world knows they aren’t!
Their duplicity has so far been aided by the media, which has lost any credibility it might have had with most clear thinking people.
The majority of Americans are tired of the Bush Administration continually wrapping itself in our flag to shield itself from its criminal activity, and using the tragedy of 9/11 as it’s own personal poster-child.