Came dragging home from a distinctly long day, and found a package from
odditycollector sitting on my doorstep, which turned out to be a belated birthday gift. I was smiling before I'd even got to the gift, accompanied as it was by redialogued comic pages in which Supergirl and Brainiac 5 argued over whether it would be appropriate to use time travel to get the package to me on time. ("Then it's agreed? We're not going to alter the time-stream on your whims?" "No, just your whims, apparently." "I'm a twelfth-level intellect. I don't have whims." HEE!)
And then the present itself turned out to be a drawing of the pre-Crisis Brainy and Supergirl together! The icon is slightly misleading--I couldn't honestly say I have one true pairing with Brainy--but this, this is the pairing I've loved nearly since I started in Legion fandom, and here they are, just for me! *hearts* I was sufficiently inspired to go over to my mother's place and get her scanner working, so I could share:
Oh, they're so cute! Thanks so much, Karen!
Also, while I'm at it, a scan of the Brainy sketch I got from Jeff Moy at Comicon: