in the beginning

Dec 22, 2007 23:03

i haven't posted for a while and i have some backtracking to do so bear with me. i am also using my parents dial-up so i'm going to try a series of short entries...

so i think it was about a week or two after halloween and i was at the bf's house. we had decided to take the e someone gave me when i had been in saskatoon for thanksgiving. It was friday night and we were both pretty tired as a result of the fact that we both work way too much, but hey- why not get high?
I'd never done it before, and found it quit enjoyable. however after a couple of hours rob was so tired that he fell asleep/ or was semi-conscious. i quickly discovered that i hate to wear clothing (it was chafing) and can't stop talking. i don't think this is a drug that i should ever take in public! the funniest part was because rob was asleep i decided that i should sing, and spent an hour or so singing country tunes. the less funny part was that while i was entertaining myself i found a lump in my right breast. probably not the worst time to find it cuz i wasn't really concerned at the time. i just remember thinking "boy i bet i'm gonna be real worried about that when i sober up!" . I like to think that when i have my own made for tv movie that this will give a positive message about the importance of drugs. to hell with breast self examination. we just need more e!
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