But I still think he's a fucking douchebag
le est feu (1:39:33 PM): How's you?
b1zarr0 (1:39:46 PM): decent-ish all things considered
b1zarr0 (1:40:08 PM): I just wish I didnt fail so hard at Heroes of might and magic though
b1zarr0 (1:40:26 PM): I really want to like that game but...I just fail at stratergizing and whatnot
Elle est feu (1:40:36 PM): It's not really that hard, me thinks.
Elle est feu (1:40:43 PM): But, I haven't played teh second one in forever.
Elle est feu (1:40:51 PM): Campaigns are rather difficult, though.
b1zarr0 (1:40:56 PM): ah
b1zarr0 (1:41:03 PM): thats what Im trying
b1zarr0 (1:41:11 PM): I really woudl like to like...you know the story and whatnot
Elle est feu (1:41:13 PM): Yeah, after about the 4th map it gets hella hard
b1zarr0 (1:41:18 PM): but campaigns are making me feel like fail
Elle est feu (1:41:23 PM): That story changes from each game, but not really
Elle est feu (1:41:24 PM): It'
Elle est feu (1:41:37 PM): s easier to do a series of custom maps to get used to what'll happen
Elle est feu (1:41:42 PM): 'Just like chess.
b1zarr0 (1:41:45 PM): Im sure if I look hard enough I can find hacks so David can be the w2in
Elle est feu (1:41:53 PM): Hacks are stupid.
b1zarr0 (1:42:03 PM): but being the lose is stupid
Elle est feu (1:42:09 PM): Then practice.
Elle est feu (1:42:23 PM): Using hacks just makes it harder to win when you try and do it for real again
b1zarr0 (1:42:40 PM): lol
Elle est feu (1:42:45 PM): I quit using them ages ago when I realized I wasn't really playing anymore, I was just wasting time.
b1zarr0 (1:42:49 PM): if I use hacks to win it's because I cant win for reals
b1zarr0 (1:42:51 PM): cuz as you said the campaign is hard
Elle est feu (1:42:58 PM): Then get better
Elle est feu (1:43:09 PM): Do a custom map, find a castle you're good with.
Elle est feu (1:43:14 PM): Learn the game.
b1zarr0 (1:43:22 PM): or the enemy can piss off and not magically have more crap than me
b1zarr0 (1:43:43 PM): and all my custom maps are a series of camp fires and peasants
Elle est feu (1:44:13 PM): Which are easier than campaigns.
b1zarr0 (1:44:17 PM): I believe that the computer in the campaign is using hacks already so why not fight fire with hot sauce
b1zarr0 (1:44:36 PM): yeah...but campaigns have a story and a sense of accomplishign something
b1zarr0 (1:44:45 PM): and Im such a story whore
b1zarr0 (1:44:56 PM): especially in a fantasy setting
b1zarr0 (1:45:04 PM): and....
b1zarr0 (1:45:46 PM): how dare you say hacks are stupid! I would not have been able to have a necromancer that summoned gthe undead as well as bears and crows in Diablo 2 if not for hacks
b1zarr0 (1:45:50 PM): so pfft :P
Elle est feu (1:46:06 PM): Yeah. I beat Diablo 2 without them.
b1zarr0 (1:46:16 PM): awesome
Elle est feu (1:46:18 PM): Hacks are for people who want results but won't work for them.
b1zarr0 (1:46:24 PM): exactly
b1zarr0 (1:46:27 PM): :P
Elle est feu (1:46:30 PM): And? That's douchey.
b1zarr0 (1:46:34 PM): like you said...work
b1zarr0 (1:46:52 PM): and I dont have the time or patience to figure shit out anymore
Elle est feu (1:46:52 PM): If you don't want to work for something you ahve no right to complain when it doens't go your way.
b1zarr0 (1:47:03 PM): yeah huh
Elle est feu (1:47:09 PM): Just the facts of life, homeskillet
b1zarr0 (1:47:14 PM): tis a game on my computer and I want to be the win
b1zarr0 (1:47:24 PM): in the most efficient way possible
b1zarr0 (1:47:35 PM): and without hacks my characters would be weak and boring
Elle est feu (1:47:51 PM): Godforbid you make your army strong
Elle est feu (1:47:57 PM): I mean, using hacks is like having no story
Elle est feu (1:48:03 PM): Because nothing means anything anymore.
Elle est feu (1:48:12 PM): You alreayd know your'e likely to win, effortlessly
b1zarr0 (1:48:12 PM): I prefer plaiying as ludicrous over the top characters since I myself am not ludicrous or over the top
Elle est feu (1:48:17 PM): What's the point anymore.
b1zarr0 (1:48:42 PM): to be a god like character since we arent god like in our real life
b1zarr0 (1:48:46 PM): >_>
b1zarr0 (1:49:03 PM): sometimes it's just nice to know that you will be the win
Elle est feu (1:49:05 PM): I'd rather know I became a god thoruhg my own efforts that have it handed to me.
Elle est feu (1:49:11 PM): Well, yeah, that's a given.
Elle est feu (1:49:38 PM): I mean, in the case of heroes, I know it so well sans hacks I know which army to chose and which opponent to take to ensure I win
b1zarr0 (1:49:40 PM): except in Diablo 2....well you are kinda limited to your own classes skills
b1zarr0 (1:49:52 PM): as opposed to having access to all the classes skills in one character
Elle est feu (1:50:09 PM): Which makes sense
Elle est feu (1:50:14 PM): it's totally balls, but it makes sense
b1zarr0 (1:50:15 PM): exactly
b1zarr0 (1:50:25 PM): I mean I actually try to play normal for a while
Elle est feu (1:50:41 PM): Otherwise you'd pay all that money for no reason, essentially. You'd ace the game in 2 days. No fun.
b1zarr0 (1:50:56 PM): and thats where you are wrong
b1zarr0 (1:50:57 PM): see
b1zarr0 (1:51:11 PM): you assume I pay for my games >_>
Elle est feu (1:51:24 PM): Fine, then you waste space and time and bandwith.
Elle est feu (1:51:41 PM): Well, maybe you enjoy ahving thinsg ahnded to you. And that's fine
Elle est feu (1:51:50 PM): I'm just saying, I will always believe hacks are for lazy douchebags.
Elle est feu (1:52:00 PM): But if you like them, who am I to say don't do it?
b1zarr0 (1:52:09 PM): yes...in the computer game world I'd like having things handed to me since the real world does not hand things to me
Elle est feu (1:52:23 PM): Work harder.
b1zarr0 (1:52:27 PM): >_<
Elle est feu (1:52:41 PM): When thinsg don't go my way, I do things I know are below me to attain the resources I will need in the future.
Elle est feu (1:52:55 PM): If I choose to fuck around, then I can't blame other people for my mistakes and shotcomings.
b1zarr0 (1:53:07 PM): true
b1zarr0 (1:53:08 PM): but...
b1zarr0 (1:53:26 PM): this is just a computer game against a souless AI opponent
Elle est feu (1:53:39 PM): And that's how you know you wont' have things handed to you.
b1zarr0 (1:54:10 PM): yeah
b1zarr0 (1:54:11 PM): BUT
b1zarr0 (1:54:22 PM): ....we are forgetting about a third factor in this
b1zarr0 (1:54:31 PM): and thats taking the effort to find and apply said hacks
Elle est feu (1:54:38 PM): I didn't forget about it. I enjoy it.
b1zarr0 (1:54:46 PM): which for Heroes Im not quite ready to do
Elle est feu (1:54:46 PM): It's not a problem for me
Elle est feu (1:54:52 PM): Though, I'm an avid gamer
b1zarr0 (1:55:02 PM): and I shall fail about until it fucks me off to no end
Elle est feu (1:55:03 PM): The more effort a game takes the more likely I am to enjoy it.
b1zarr0 (1:55:07 PM): which so far it's only mildly annoying
b1zarr0 (1:55:54 PM): and whereas the more instant the satisfaction the more I am to enjoy it
b1zarr0 (1:56:01 PM): soo on that note, to each their won
b1zarr0 (1:56:02 PM): own*
b1zarr0 (1:56:03 PM): yes?
Elle est feu (1:56:06 PM): Yep
b1zarr0 (1:56:14 PM): TACOS!
Elle est feu (1:56:19 PM): Nah, I'm full
Elle est feu (1:56:22 PM): Just had ramen.
Fo some reaosn my LJ cut wn't work. SO SUE ME.
So yeah. How you doin'.