Jun 19, 2008 11:33
And I just made one for Grandma (though hers had meat and extra cheese because I want to make sure she's getting enough; And it's not the Nazi regime, we can have meat cheese and butter and life is good). She usually doesn't like to eat (Well, at all) at our house, so after many tries I've realized "Here, eat this or my mom will be mad at both of us". She's always very appreciative and makes a big deal about how good everything is - Though, I'm sure I could serve her deep-fried dirt balls and she'd be just as thankful and sweet as ever. I'm writing this between sips of Rockstar while raking a brush through my hair as I try and be as ready as I can to jump in the shower before we leave - Grandma will probably be wanting to go visit grandpa soon and I figure if she gets there at 1:00 (and I loiter with her for half an hour) and then mom picks her up around 6-ish that's enough time to entertain Grandpa until he's bored but not have to be stuck there all day. At least I hope so....I'm glad she's eating. That's always my biggest concern, because aside form thinking she's the world's fattest woman (Not helped by the horrible things my hypocritical grandfather says), when she's stressed or uncomfortable with a place she doesn't like to eat - I just now realized that all the times we'd been at a restaurant unless it was her favorite she does what I do and always gets the cheapest thing there. But we've had Grandma -friendly foods and that "Here eat this it'll make everyone happier" idea that make sure she doesn't do like she normally would - Eat an apple and a DietCoke for an entire day. I guess I was worrying too much, but I really do care about her so I've tried to keep everything running smoothly for her (She has a complete weakness for IceCream, and I thought I just might have to get my last $4.00 and buy her some DairyQueen). She also seems a lot better now thet grandpa's not on her back evry 5 seconds. He's been an absolute prick lately, it's one of the worst I've seen of him. He's been an EXPONENTIAL ASS. And he screams until his face is a delightfully nasty bruise colour. She's had the TV to herself for the last 5 hours, diet Coke and the Hospital's number so they can call each other whenever they want (I actually want to leave right away, but it's communal ride and I'd rather not spend time outside than have to make Grandma leave soon). She seems to be happy she can actually shower without a lecture on the pump and watch something that's not Golf or wrestling without hearing "Why're you watching some shit like this again? -Click". I really do love my Grandpa, but I'd have left his ass in the 70's.
Aside from that the weather's been pretty decent (though it was hot and stick last night) and I figure I'll get some good outdoors work done. Also! Frank reallly REALLY likes grandma - If I wasn't here he'd probably sleep on her (and probably crush her to death...). He follows her around and begs pets off her. He goes between her and me every 20 minutes unless he's eating or passed out like a beached whale.
Oh, she's out of the bathroom so I'm off to shower! Enjoy your Wii, 'Zlor!
brass elephant,