First, some art. %-)
I'm working on a CD cover for a trop-rock group that I love; they wanted a lot of sunset. I gave it a try but this makes me think of "trop rock comes to Mordor" ... they agreed, so I'm trying again later.
Life has been rather rough lately. My sister is in Texas every summer so I'm technically running the house and taking care of my mother, although thankfully my niece was home this year and helped *a lot.* I've been working on refinancing our house since last fall and finally made it happen. I've had a lot of requests for art and not enough time or confidence to tackle them properly. And my mother has been *very* ill for the past three weeks and is only just beginning to get better.
So, in an attempt to get something of myself back, and taking advantage of the refinancing $$$, I have done something totally self-indulgent ... I just booked a flight for Key West. Not my annual pilgrimage to the Jimmy Buffett fanfest I attend every year (and will again this year, in November) but a trip on my own, no crazy running from pillar to post trying to see everyone play ... just staying with a friend and taking my pens and paints and enjoying the island and getting some rest.
Labor Day weekend, I'll be down island, painting. I can't believe I'm doing this, and I still feel guilty ... but damn it, I'm going.