[accidental video post]

Nov 18, 2010 22:26

[Members of the Marian household, you may or may not be aware that little Lavi has decided to bring home a black shiba inu puppy for a pet. And said puppy is now sitting in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator, staring at it forlornly. And whining piteously. But this is not your typical little puppy whine. This is what is known as the shiba scream. It's the most god awful, heart wrenching wail of such piteous proportions, you'd have to have a heart of stone in order to resist those cries.

The Envy-Puppy is going to keep this up for five minutes straight, without pause. It's loud enough for everyone in the entire house to hear him.

Someone's going to feed him... right?]

grabbag virus, family unit virus, !virus, !video post, sunshine lollipops & rainbows virus

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