New Years Surveys

Dec 31, 2006 19:14

I've actually done about 12 of these but I thought I'd spare you :P.

001. had more then 4 boyfriends/girlfriends?
Nope, unless you count those under my pimpage.

002. been in love?

003. been kissed?

004. kept your new years resolution?
I don't generally make them.

005. been injured?

006. had a drunken night?

007. gotten high?

008. made new friends?

009. lost any friends?
Not exactly

010. liked a song only because it was on your boyfriends/girlfriends mypace?

011. made a myspace?
I had one before this year

012. had your birthday?

013. went to great america?

014. traveled out of state?

015. traveled out of the country?
nope :(

016. ditched a friend?
Not that I recall...oops?

017. madeout with someone just so you can make someone else jealous?

018. thrown up from drinking?
yick. no.

019. gotten a new pet?
no, thank goodness.

020. experienced something new?

021. went sledding?
no : (

022. played in the snow?

023. been chased by a stray animal?
not lately.

024. been called a whore while walking down the street?
I'd imagine not.

025. been in a fist fight?

026. been in a verbal fight?

027. been in a spelling bee?
Not since 5th grade.

028. bought something for someone?

029. changed as a person?
Of course

030. died?
Only something like 1% of people, or something, technically die and then come back. I'm not that special :).

031. has 2006 been a good year?:
Well...better than last year, that's for sure.

in 2007...

032. are you graduating?

033. going to make a new years resolution?
yes...but its all secretive like!

034. going to get high?
not unless its like in The Faculty and Josh Hartnett says, "Aliens are taking over the fucking school. Weigh it."

035. going to a different school?

036. going to move?

037. going to make new friends?
I hope so!

038. going to keep your myspace?
Where else will I post all of my surveys ^_-?

039. going anywhere special?
Maybe italy?! That would be the best ever!

040. going to party it up?
I surely hope so!

041. will 2007 be better then 2006?
I hope so. There have been a lot of good things....but also an awful lot of bad things I'd like to fix.

Let's Start With Your Favorites of 2006...
Movie: Pirates 2
Song: Sexyback!!!
Outfit: Colorful, slightly decora-ish, lots of necklaces, dollar store socks, thrift store finds, etc.
Rap song to mock: Does the Brooke Hogan/Paul Wall song count?
Place you went: New York? Twice!
Gift you received: Um...Cait and Liz both gave me really neat, random birthday gifts. I still haven't gotten around to use my henna >.<.
Color: EVERY color, but pink especially.
Food: I was hooked on grilled cheese for a while, then downsized to toast, then got on to refried bean nachos.
TV Show: Supernatural! Also Project Runway, and I've gotten into Yo Mama! And Wildin' Out, lately ^^.

In the Spring of 06...
What was the weather like?: I can't really recall >:..
Did you do anything for spring break?: Probably just sleep.
What holiday(s) did you celebrate? Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, April Fools Day/Fred and George's birthday ^_-.
What did you like to do during the spring of '06?: Prom was fun!

Summer of 2006.....
When did summer officially start for you?: Like, June 13th, I think. Early for us!
Did you go on vacation?: If you call MICA pre-college (AKA, art BOOT camp) a vacation :)
How often did you go swimming, if at all?: Not at all! This entire year! It's a travesty of the worst kind!
What will you remember most? The whole MICA experience was amazing.
Did you go to any camp or go camping? Nope
Swim in a creek/river? Ocean?: :(
Go to any concerts?: No, not over the summer.
Any of those "summer romances"?: pffft
Best thing about the summer of '06: MICA, plus some other things....
Do anything school related?: MICA counted for all of my summer art work and for 2 (3?) college credits.

The Fall of '06....
When did you start school again? August 28.
What grade did you enter? Twelth
Struggle at all getting "back into the groove of things"?: It actually didn't seem like I'd been away at all.
Rake any leaves?: Nope. Ha!
Jump in any leaf piles?: Not really, but I played in some.
What was the most memorable part of fall?: Unfortuantely, my damn Health grade issue. Grrr.

Winter time!....
What's the weather like during the winter?: It's been incredibly warm for this time of year. I've been wearing hoodies and skirts for weeks with no problem.
If it snows, what was the most snow you had?: I want snow!!! (senior year means no making it up in June ;])
What holiday did you celebrate?: Christmas and the Solcitce, sort of, because of DEATHLY HALLOWS!!!
What kind of gifts did you get?: Smallville first season DVD, a pink shirt, some glitter paint pens, a reindeer basket, a penicl sharpener in the shape of a dog, a ceramic Santa Slaus dinosaur, and some other assorted items.
Make any snow angels?: There's no snow!!
Snowmen?: Now you're just trying to piss me off.
Did you belt out carols like a madman at all?: Like, daily.

How old did you turn this year? 17
Change your look at all?: Maybe...I kind of exaggerated wha tI already had going on...and grew out my hair and started wearing it out more. Oh, and I started wearing headbands a lot.
Do you FEEL older?: Yes
Any life changing experiences?: Yep
Near death experiences?: Well, the doctor said I probably would have gone into a coma, last spring, when I was really sick.
Do any painting at all?: Me? Paint? Ya goshin' me!
Greatest accomplishment of '06: Getting the MICA scholarship and winning a Gold Award at Scholastics.
Looking forward to it?: Um, yeah. New Years always makes me a little sad, like I should be doing something uber important in the last few hours.
I guess I really should go out, shouldn't I?
What specifically are you anticipating?: Getting done with all of this college stuff/scholarships/awards, finishing my website, next weekend, Prom, my senior show, Graduation (in a scary sort of way), turning 18, doing 18-year-old things over the summer, starting college and possibly moving out...yep.
If you're single, hoping to get in a relationship?: sure
What do you want to change?: Being sick...and my weight :P
Any plans for 2007?: The above ^
And yes, getting ahead of myself... what about 2008?: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

survey, 2006, surveys, new years

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