Aug 28, 2007 14:15
After you stop worrying about things life you can walk around with a smile on your face. Not saying that bills wont forever bother me but, as long as I have my health I cant really complain, I know of a lot of people who have it worse. I have been watching my Kimora Lee every Sunday night cause she makes me think, not that this show is for rocket scientist but about life lessons. How not to spoil your kids, and the way to speak up for yourself and her freakin closet. I am sure that having tons of money helps with that but if you have no money what do you really have to lose. So I would rather say something, but I know if I didn’t no one else would know what was bothering me on the inside.
I have been dating the same person for almost 5 years, seems like a long time I swear that time just flew. When you have ups and downs time really goes by so fast. I can remember telling him I didn’t want this long relationship and now I don’t care to rush anything. I don’t see the same person in either of us. We met fairly young about 22 and at that age you cant really say who you are. I had strange fairytale expectations of something I wanted or expected a person to be like, but looking at myself I see a person that just accepts her flaws and reconfigures her sentences now to think about the words and meaning.
He said "thank you" in the car on the way home after he got the offer letter. All I could say was "for what" and he said "everything" and I just stood quiet and just thought that he really deserved it.
Sometimes I can look at people with quiet envy, I wish sometimes I could be that fake. Its all roses are blue to them and they feel they are so lucky to have that person, because even though they think the petty arguments are real hardships of a 7.9 on the richter scale. Which we all know is total bullshit yada yada yada.
If you read a book by a man-hater in the dating world its ok. Read it again because its better to read something that tells it like it is faults and all, rather that sugar coat the relationship to make it all roses. Its not going to be all bad, but appreciate that someone is telling you about the times when its not all good. Relationships are lessons, so when you look back you can say wtf was I doing and know better or just get to know the person inside you.