Jul 02, 2007 21:47
I have a dilemma. Upon driving over 300 miles to the white mountains in New Hampshire under the impression that I would recieve happy prizes (to the tune of $1k) and a shot at a timeshare, getting there, having my very beloved but sometimes dense (it's a family trait, and one I have a lot of) grandmother ruin said opportunity by accident, returning home cost a bit more dignity and a lot more in repairs. We busted a rim and ripped up a tire on 395 on our way home, and since I was the one that made us drive up there ... I'm the one who gets to pay the bill! This makes sense, more or less. It'll be at least $150 for the rim. Don't know about the tire. Definitely don't know about the labor. Now, I don't have a job. This is because if I make too much money (read: any) I don't get to go to college free anymore, and I get to cough up several thousand dollars a semester. Lol. No. I do not currently have any way to make money whatsoever! (yay) I have a few things I could sell however.
1. Sell Warcraft account. 2 level 70s (one if I shifted one off that account), might get me over $400bux if I'm lucky. Downside, I'm feeding the ebay noobs. (think anyone would buy a level 40 rogue?)
2. Sell only working vehicle. Might get more money, maybe a grand or so, but that'd leave us with no way to get anywhere at all.
3. I could whore myself out or something.
4. I could try to sell a painting, even though the most I've ever gotten for one was five dollars.
5. Beg dad, endure the humiliation, and try to get him to pay it instead.
Needless to say I am up shit creek without a paddle. As if arguing with friends isn't bad enough, now I broke the crown vic and I have to pay for it. The most obvious solution is to sell the account, but I really don't want to. Not only would it make people even more pissed off at me, I'd like the opportunity to turn it back on one day. I have much to think about. But after whole 2 hours of sleep last night, I'm really tired. Going to bed now.