Prep and priming of the machine went smoothly and easily.
It's hard to believe this machine will be 10 years old in June!
Italians make espresso machines for the long haul.
Made 6 shots:
- Immediately into the sink. Not enough coffee in the portafilter, weak tamp, visibly awful.
- "Mr. T" shot. Black, strong, and punches you in the head. Tastes like the output of a moka pot hacked by mad scientist. No crema.
- Inferior shot, but drinkable by bottom feeders. Weak and watery, no crema. Super short brew time.
- Fumbled technique. Overpacked portafilter, then attempted to remove excess and re-tamp. Into the sink.
- Shot comparable to middling moka pot. Still short brew time. No crema, still a little watery, but drinkable by the slightly desperate. Am questioning the age and grind fineness of my pre-ground espresso.
- Used fresh ground beans and finer grind. Should have ground a spoonful more, but within reason. Shot is still short, but longest brew yet. Thin layer of light crema that dissipates. Slightly better than moka pot. There is hope.
Next time, even finer grind. Keep going until brew time gets into 25-35 second range (vs. 15 second range).
Calibrate tamp force using scale.
Shop for 58mm tamp rather than 57mm and real knock box with portafilter rest (vs. wooden spoon handle, tupperware, and trivet).