I love my roommate Julie dearly. She's sweet, and she's fun to hang out with every now and then.
But she lacks certain social skills.
And a degree of maturity.
And has a naseating capacity for Ranch dressing.
A few days ago I ordered pizza for my co workers and brought the leftovers home and put them in the refrigerator. Whenever I have "good" food, I HATE taking it out and eating it in front of Julie because 95% of the time she'll immediately ask if she can try/sample/have some, and if she doesn't, then she'll stare at it the same way a dog does when it's hoping you'll drop your steak on the carpet. I couldn't really be discreet about pulling a couple slices out of this massive pizza box. And on cue she asked, "Can I have a piece of pizza?"
Another time, I'd made some boxed macaroni and cheese with some cheddar and feta cheese added to it. I was planning on bringing the rest over to my mom and grandma to share. But I made the mistake of asking Julie if she wanted to try some. The next thing I know she's scooping over half of what was left in the pot and filling her bowl to the brim with my macaroni. So much for sharing with mom and grandma. *or a second serving for myself.*
I'm sorry, but since when did "try" become "take as much as your greedy ass wants?"
She even bombarded me once when I was trying to unlock the door to my room. I had a plate of food in one hand, my keys and my purse in the other, and she lurches toward the pile of corn chips on my plate blurting "Ooo, can I try one?" Um, can I at least get inside of my door first?
I hate how she always uses the word "try," regardless of how ordinary the food item is. She'll sometimes make the excuse that she just wants to sample that particular brand/kind, as if it's going to taste any different. This despite the fact that she rarely goes grocery shopping. She'll order a big pizza or go to Macaroni Grill every week and thrive off of the leftovers. She probably spends more money than I do on food.
I used to not mind *as much*, but she also complains about all the weight she gained during college *somewhere between 30-50 pounds. She does make an effort to lose weight, but her efforts are always counterintuitive, i.e., she'll go to some 40 minute kickboxing class, come home sweating like a pig, pop some heavy leftovers into the microwave, and then go to sleep. And she has a tendency to dunk EVERYTHING in Ranch. Everything. Including her "sensible" snack foods.
I just find her behavior so obnoxious at times, because she's not necessarily rude or demanding. She's more like a little kid, grunting "unh, unh," and reaching when she spots something something shiny and thinking that if she says "pretty please" you'll allow her to have it..