Stigma of having large breasts So yeah, it's like impossible to find any articles about large breasted women that aren't related to porn or men's magazine surveys. And if the article does address the issue, they're more skewed towards smaller breasted women feeling insecure about their own size.
Well, let me give you my story.
To be blunt, I hate having huge breasts. I fucking hate it.
I hate being oggled, I hate not being able to fit into normal sized clothes that would have been just right for me had it not been for my massive circumference. I hate guys who make snarky, disgusting comments, including the guy who shouted "Dang, you got some big titties!" from his car window loud enough for me to hear half a block away. I hate girls who, upon seeing my chest for the first time after I remove my jacket, remark, "Oh, my God! How big are your boobs?!!," all the while staring right at them like some tongue wagging adolescent.
I hate the fact that leaving a bra on for too long makes me feel suffocated. I hate the fact that leaving a bra off for too long puts pressure on my neck, chest, back, and lungs from the unsupported weight.
I hate when smaller breasted girls think I'm "lucky," and laugh off or invalidate my insistence that my breasts are painful and unhealthy. I hate when my friends giggle and glance at me when the subject of big boobs comes up. I hate when someone tells me that I shouldn't get a breast reduction because it will take away who I am. I am not my breasts.
I'm not a fan of the porn star look. I hate the fact that my breasts make me look at least 20 pounds heavier than I really am. I hate the fact that I can't run or jog without fear of becoming a spectable. I hate the fact that when I go to the gym I have to wear my regular bra in addition to a sports bra just so I don't bounce all over the place.
I have what you would call an apple figure. I have small hips, long, trim legs, and almost no back fat. Nearly all of my excess weight accumulates in my waist, and in my chest. So I end up with the "top heavy" physique.
And until recently, I hated my body. I was blind to all my good physical attributes, because all I saw when I looked down at myself and in the mirror was a bulging gut and massive DDD breasts. I didn't see that I had almost perfect, slender calves and legs. I didn't see the graceful arch in my back, the just right curve of my rear, the slender, athletic arms and elongated hands and fingers.
Instead, I saw myself as a dope, a lazy, disgusting oaf who could only receive half-compliments from pervets and insecure tiny breasted female friends. I only looked at low rise jeans that barely closed around my waist and covered only half of my ass, apparently being expected by the designers to cover the gap with a thong of some sort. I refused to consider that that cute jacket or blouse wouldn't button without popping a few snaps or creating a bulge before trying it on. I set myself up for anguish.
But now I realize I have an amazing, unique body. I still hate the effects on my body of having a large chest, but I've decided that instead of a reduction, I'd like to get them lifted after I've finished losing weight. They'll be smaller, but not excessively, and less sagging. In the past half year, I've lost at least four or five inches off my chest. I can't wait till the day when I can feel close to normal, and can run or excersize without feeling like a freak.