(no subject)

Oct 04, 2003 03:22


\Sin*cer"i*ty\, n. [L. sinceritas: cf. F. sinc['e]rit['e].] The quality or state of being sincere; honesty of mind or intention; freedom from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense; sincereness.
I protest, in the sincerity of love. --Shak.
Sincerity is a duty no less plain than important. --Knox.

but how do you know you are sincere in the long term. how do you know its not just in the moment? how do you know what you really mean and want if its so rapidly and sometimes vapdily changing? whims fancy dresses and wants instead of needs plea so strong so strong so strong dear that before tomorrow dear i am gone from my formal former pedestal.

i do not mean what i say except when i say it.


n 1: an earnest and sincere feeling [syn: earnestness, seriousness] 2: the quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical; "his sincerity inspired belief"; "they demanded some proof of my sincerity" [ant: insincerity] 3: a quality of naturalness and simplicity; "the simple sincerity of folk songs" [syn: unassumingness] 4: the trait of being serious; "a lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness"- Robert Rice [syn: seriousness, earnestness, serious-mindedness] [ant: frivolity]
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