She's home

Oct 25, 2021 09:18

Mom and brother showed up Friday night. Saturday we went into town and picked up my new (to me) truck, spent a long time doing the transfer papers and insurance since there's definitely a staffing bottleneck in the city, at least on Saturdays, and drove her home. She's lovely. Driving her is also going to take some getting used to, this is a very long pickup (double cab longbox) with a big canopy that doesn't as yet have a backup cam. Also she takes very little throttle with that engine; I still have not floored her.

Sunday was a power outage and I haven't yet had the generator panel put in, so we messed around outside mostly. Pigs are moved to their winter field and have t-post-based electric. Hopefully, unlike the plastic electric posts, these won't snap or break when snow becomes too great an insulator and I need to take the wire down for the winter.

Last night I had both Tucker to snuggle and earplugs so I slept well for the first time in a week or something. My brother is a very loud sleeper and although he's in the livingroom and I'm upstairs in the loft there's a lot of sound transfer. I'd slept in my shooting earmuffs the two nights before; it seems the way I sleep when I'm wearing those leads to a pretty intense bruise/abrasion where I tuck my fingers under my head as I sleep. I'd been beginning to think I had a very deep infected rose thorn in that knuckle.

I need to remember to get my homework done for tomorrow's class; last week was branding (I didn't come up with a satisfactory value proposition, but I'm kind of into the tagline "because (thriving) ecosystems are the best apocalypse insurance") and this week is marketing, and it's hard hard hard for me to do it both emotionally and just come up with the actual work (figure out who you're marketing to-- I mean, I'm not good at lumping people into some sort of group and making assumptions about them). Anyhow, it's the not fun part and so it's challenging me as I knew it would.

I also need to get the 4runner cleaned up and ready for sale. I'm very sad about this.

I -want- to start looking for very early season corns to grow next year, and talking on seed saving/seed exchange groups. I want to go observe the pigs in their winter field: I planted turnips and rutabaga and clover for them in there and they love it.

But in the meantime I need to get some work-work done.

75%, seasonal, me, family, vehicle, farm, pigs

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