Jun 05, 2020 10:56
I have real trouble when something farm-related with an external deadline comes up and I can't frontload the work. For instance, I need to catch my 9 piglets today to take them in to the seller, and she's coming up at a very particular time and meeting me in PG.
This set of piglets is not super catchable; they will come up to touch my outstretched hand with a nose but not really be petted. The younger ones are better with that, but it's not the younger ones I'm trying to catch.
So I'm just *worried* that I won't get them all, won't be able to make the meetup, that I'll be stressed out and use poor livestock handling techniques because of it, all sorts of things really. If I could have caught them two days ago I'd be more comfortable, but I don't really have a place to keep them and I don't want them far from their mom for that long.
Oh well. Today will be exciting, anyhow. Wish me luck.
mental health