Apr 25, 2008 22:09
So here I am, at home on time for sleep so I can do VanD volunteering tomorrow, slightly drunk, and very happy.
In the last twenty-four hours I have 1) had enough sex (!!!!) 2) handled hundreds of sexy plants (omg pineapple guava, chinese quince, sajo persimmon, jiro persimmon, oranges, ribes, grapes, sun chariot azalea, cotton candy rhodo, irene koester rhodo-- how does one decide?) 3) got slightly drunk on Drew-suggested candy-wine 4) been in a household full of people who I had never met before but were all gardener-permaculture people and awesome at that with email names like 'smartplantguy' 5) who fed me yummy food 6) recieved lots of painful massages and 7) not so painful snuggles and 8) rode double on a bike for the first time ever and 9) smiled and laughed through the point where my face hurt and back into it not hurting anymore and 10) been greeted joyously by people I like and 11) packed about a third of my stuff and 12) made silly lj lists on bob's computer and 13) found a birthday gift for Doug and 14) been greeted by people who remembered me from two years ago where they saw me once and remembered me well enough to ask details about my garden and 15) been so happy over and over and over.
And I have the feeling one of these people might be a dance partner in the future, and she's also a vegetarian gluten-free cook. And there was this green man wall hanging. And I am too happy and incoherent to write much more than this right now.
I'm really glad to be doing this VanDusen thing. It's consistent, I've been doing it for years (I wonder what a past check on this lj shows at this time every year? I missed it last year) and it's nice to have that.
I'm also looking forward to moving. And to my life. And to these people-- the awesome ones already in it, who love me and are kind to me and who care so much, and also to the awesome ones joining it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Greenie's on a big happy again. Sure, there'll be a down to follow, but with enough sleep and a bellyfull of food it'll be not so bad.
Meantime-- seriously, on the plant question. Also, what about amelanchier? I don't know if I'll do any clems, I can get those elsewhere later, ditto most herbs. I could *totally* plastic in the porch to make a citrus-friendly overwinter place though. They're blooming right now and smell so so good. OTOH they're expensive.
Do you know I've resisted buying an olive tree for years now?
mental health