Nov 16, 2008 10:10
Well, because after the last one, it's kinda needed. Thanks so much to you all. Your support and caring just lovely and it really helped.
The big news is: SPIKE IS EATING!!!!!!
I nearly danced when she took some from my hand... all except it would have scared her... LOL. She really seems to have turned a corner. Still having trouble with mobility, but she's trying!
And I've been amazed by people in the real world too. My neighbours were the greatest. Not only did they come over running straight away, and find... what there was to be found... but they also rang the city council to get dog traps and looked after the house while I ran Spike down to the vet, dug the hole for little Willow and went down to the vets at lunch time to check on Spike. And have been coming over at least once a day for updates. They should win awards.
And then I ran into one of LG's schoolfriend's mother in the supermarket and she asked after him because he hadn't been at school and her son had wanted to invite LG to a (delayed) Guy Fawkes thing. I told her why, and she was: "If you want, my husband and (older son) will fix the cage for you. They'll love a project. You don't want another rabbit do you? A friend of mine has some to give away..."
Of course, LG came back from school with the same story from his school friend. They came around that night and picked it up. LG went around there yesterday and helped rebuild the cage... and then they picked up the rabbit... It's the cutest little ball of white fluff you could imagine. And we've been calling it White Willow (I know!). We introduced it to Spike very gradually, and White Willow's just been so cuddly and Spike seems a bit happier.
Also we called around to see a friend of mine on the day it happened. She breeds burmese kittens so LG spent the day with some of the kittens and it helped. Well, one of the kittens took a real shine to him... and my friend rang me up and offered to give the kitten to LG if I wanted!! Now, what you don't know is LG has loved her cats for ages and wants to breed them like her. His favourite cat there is the mother of this litter. Can you imagine when I brought him back around and she offered in person...? Ecsatic has a much higher level to be reached now if you wanted to be compared! So, she's had her fixed and we'll pick her up after the stitches come out. I'm also taking my old girl to the vet so she can be feeling the best she possibly can when the kitten gets introduced. But these cats are worth a lot of money, so... it's an incredible gift. And she is the cutest little Lilac Tortie...
And then this morning at 3am, the neighbour's trap (from the city council) caught a dog... No guarantees... but *crosses fingers* Apparently it was quite savage when picked up, and is unregistered. *sigh* Ok, so somebody's missing their dog, and it may or may not be the right one (so not so good news for them, I guess). But hopefully it teaches somebody good dog ownership, and that's a start. *shushes her cynical side*
Umm... but I'm still bringing the animals in at night for the next wee while...
But the bottom line is, even through all this tragedy, I'm incredibly blessed. *hugs to you all*